Awkward Run In

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Brock's POV

"Where are you going?" Danielle croaked out as I tried to carefully remove myself from her bed without waking her. Dammit. I was usually pretty good at slipping out without jostling her too much, but apparently I was off my game today. 

"I need to get ready for work," I deadpanned through my whisper, not wanting to startle her fully awake. Unfortunately, my words did that for me.

"What? I told you Friday night you needed to take this morning off because I had a doctor's appointment. You insisted that you wanted to be at the remainder of them!" she said, her volume level rising as her sleepiness faded and her irritation with me grew.

Shit, I cursed myself in my head. I had completely forgotten about that conversation, how I didn't know. This appointment had been all that was on my mind most of the weekend, the prospect of getting to see my child made my breath come fast and my head feel light and fuzzy. I blamed it on the emergency email my boss sent last minute last night that had stolen every last ounce of my attention and had kept me up until midnight working. I would've stayed up even later working, but when I walked past Danielle's room to get some caffeine to fuel my brain she'd been wide awake and flailing around helplessly.

The shirt she'd stolen from me to sleep in - a common occurrence over the past week - had ridden up from her restlessness, exposing her rounded belly. The image pulled at my heart and was what pushed me to abandon my computer and the account without second thought, climbing into bed behind her as I'd done every night that week to cradle her body with my own and help her finally find a comfortable position before massaging her lower back and belly as she eventually lulled to sleep.

"I'll call the office and try to explain," I mumbled before finally making my break and closing the bedroom door behind me so that she couldn't hear the phone call. I tried to rub out the crick in my neck from the position I'd been sleeping in while next to her. While it may be doing wonders for her, it was royally fucking up my shoulders. I'd always been a back sleeper, so the change in position wasn't necessarily a welcome one. I kept forgetting to order an actual pregnancy pillow because despite my constant presence, there were still a few nights where she kept the both of us awake all night because she couldn't get comfortable - something about not being able to arrange the pillows around her belly just right to support her. I don't fucking know. All I did know was that I just wanted to get a good nights fucking sleep again.

I scratched at my eyebrow as I pressed the familiar contact name and listened to the dial tone. "This better not be you calling to tell me you need the day off again. You've got a fucking pile of papers on your desk that I need looked at yesterday and you never finished the account I sent you last night," my boss growled through the receiver the second he answered the phone.

"Too fuckin' bad, that's exactly why I'm calling. I've got to take my, uh-" shit, what do I call her? "-my girlfriend to the doctor," I awkwardly rasped out, already squeezing my eyes shut at how fucking stupid the explanation sounded. He would never buy it, despite it being the truth.

As I expected, he burst into laughter. He only replied once his hysterics had finally settled down. "If you think I'm buying that load of shit, Carmichael, you're dead wrong. Get your ass into the office ASAP," he barked back.

"I've got over four months of vacation time wracked up. Watch the way you speak to me or I might just take advantage of all that bonus time off you gave me. Then what will you do without your prized accountant, huh?" I challenged, smirking when a dead silence on the other line followed my verbal dig. "That's what I thought," I continued smugly, "now if you'll excuse me, I've got an appointment to get to."

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