Turning Point

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Brock's POV

My palms began to sweat profusely against the steering wheel as the car grew closer and closer to my childhood home. This is not going to begin or end well for me.

"Holy shit," Dani muttered under her breath from her spot next to me. I knew she was referring to the size of my parents home and the home I'd grown up in.

"If you think this is big, you should see the house my older sister's husband just built her," I commented before parking the car as close as I could so she wouldn't have too far to walk with her knees aching and all. I killed the engine and told her to stay put while I got everything unloaded.

"Why?" she snapped, narrowing her eyes at me in suspicion.

"I don't want you to have to stand around waiting for me to get everything unloaded when your back and feet have already been hurting," I explained, "I figured you can just get out once I have everything out." Her eyes quickly morphed from skepticism to appreciation as she nodded. I finally did something right...?

I did just as I said before helping her out. Once she was standing and finished doing all of her odd stretches, I slung both of our duffel bags over my shoulder and grabbed her luggage case filled with nothing but her pillows to roll behind me. I was caught off guard as I felt her tiny hand grab my forearm as I started to slowly walk towards the front door of my family home. I expected something to be wrong, but she wasn't looking at me when I looked back. She was staring up at my family's house, taking in all the details up close.

I looked up, doing my best to fight off the grin that wanted to make its way to my face at the way it felt to have her want to touch me. She cradled her lower belly with her other hand, rubbing soothingly back and forth - an action I'd noticed was a nervous tick of hers over the past few weeks - as we made our way to the entrance.

I gave her what I hoped was a reassuring smile before I whipped out my set of keys and turned the lock. I released a slightly shaky breath from my lips before pushing the heavy wooden door open before stepping into the foyer. There was a light roar of noise created by multiple voices talking all at once coming from what I knew to be the kitchen as a sense of belonging warmed my chest for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. Home. God, I missed this place so much.

"Wait, do you hear that?" my mother's familiar voice floated to me after she'd successfully shushed everyone. I closed my eyes, fighting off the sting in my eyes at the familiar sound of her voice in person, not just over the phone. I missed her so much. I heard footsteps quickly approaching and stepped in front of Dani to shield her from my mother's immediate view.

"Oh my God, my baby!" my mom yelled before practically mauling me. I laughed while accepting her smothering hold and endless cheek kisses. I curled my arms around her before pressing my face into the crook between her neck and shoulder, inhaling her scent that never changed. I was immediately transported back to my childhood. Scraped knees, grass-stained pants, muddy clothes, missing teeth, no responsibilities. Before I was so messed up.

I held her tight, gripping her harder than I probably should've been. I didn't want to let go, I couldn't. I hadn't realized how desperately I needed my mother's hug until she was actually here in the flesh, her delicate hand stroking the back of my head whispering in my ear how much she missed me.

"Hi, Ma," I finally managed to chuckle out once I trusted that my voice wouldn't crack or break. I gave her one last good squeeze before setting her back down on the ground, bringing my hand up to wipe away the few tears that had trailed down her cheeks. I saw the rest of my family filing into the living room after hearing the commotion my mother had caused.

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