Sword Maiden

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Amara's POV

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Amara's POV

"Stand with your feet apart, shoulder level. And stand straight!" Noctis barked at me.

If I only knew. I had no clue!That he could be so...stern too.

"Right hand below the guard, left at the pommel." he instructed again.

When we made camp, a day from Llydell, I had asked Noctis to teach me how to use a sword. He was a bit unsure at first, but I had managed to convince him, saying it's best for me to be able to protect myself...especially with weird men trying to nab me.

Mr.Bane was setting up camp in the distance, ocassionaly casting a glance in our direction.

Noctis sat on a tree stump with his legs crossed," Grip the hilt with your left hand, the right is for guiding only."

I tried to follow his instructions as best as I could.

I changed into a pair of black pants and a top, paired with a hooded cloak and leather boots reaching my knees. It was a first for me to wear such clothes.

It was hard to say what I was feeling, it was between sheepish and excited. One thing though, I appreciated the enhanced mobility the garbs gave.

I looked at my face, reflected on the Longsword's blade.  Who knew that someday I'd hold a real sword in my hand?

But I gotta say...this feels...good.
Holding a weapon in your hand, it makes you feel, powerful !

By the time I'm done, those men better watch out! I smirked to myself at the thought.
Amara Aldaine, Master sword Maiden!

"Ehm.." Noct cleared his throat."Be appreciated if I could have Ms.Aldaine's attention ..."

With a blush I replied, "Yes, ofcourse!" I raised the sword above my head in what turned out to be a failed attempt to swing. The weight made me stumble back a few steps. When I brought the weapon down, the blade pierced through the air and sliced into the practice stump  with a loud thump, firmly getting stuck in the wood.

For a few moments I comically struggled to pull it out. But stupid thing didn't even budge!

"It....it's stuck." I helplessly turned to Noct.

He shook his head , got up, grabbed the hilt with one hand and pulled it out with ease.

Woah....he must be quite strong, huh?

"Let's just concentrate on actually holding the weapon first, before swinging." Noctis said with a nervous chuckle.

Oops! There you go Aldaine..you made a fool of yourself. Again.

I tried to remember all that I had been taught about stances.
Right foot forward, left foot back...stand on the balls of your left foot...

But actually holding up the sword? Therein lies the problem.
The sword was heavy, with it's long blade and hilt. I could feel the blade teeter a little in my grasp.

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