Embers (1)

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Amara's POV

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Amara's POV

"Please don't go wandering off again.." Noctis repeats for the umpteenth time as we make way to our rooms.

His coat hangs from my shoulders because he absolutely insisted, that it would keep me warm after our unexpected shower in the gardens.

Not that I was complaining.
His clothing draped around me, drowning me in his pine scent. It didn't feel all that bad....

"And change out of those clothes...I don't want you to catch a cold." He advices once we reach the third floor.

He stands, halfway through his own door, making sure I go into my room and nowhere else this time.

"You don't have to do this you know...." I complain as he insists he won't enter his room untill my door is closed behind me. He justs arches an eyebrow at me.
"I won't get lost walking down the hall!" I say but to no avail. Rolling my eyes at him I stomp my foot,"Fine!"

A self-satisfied smirk appears on his lips." They probably have drawn the bath for you...so take a warm shower, change and I'll come get you for supper, alright?"

"Your wish is my command, Your Highness..." I mutter.

I turn to leave but then see an opening and steal a quick peck on his cheek before making my way down the hall.

From behind, I can hear a chuckle.

I steal one last glance at his tall figure, still looming at the door across the hall. My eyes meet the gold in his and with a smile, I close the door behind me.

A few moments after my door closes, I hear his click from across the hall.

I smile to myself again. It's adorable when he's like this.


I walk into the shower and my mouth is left agape. To the end of my wits, I couldn't justify why someone needed a shower that big.

Marble steps descended into an extra spacious bath in the middle of the lofty room. The warm water gave rise to wafts of smoke that carried the aroma from the various nameless flowers floating in the bath. Soaps and other toiletries of atleast a few dozen categories were ladened in beautiful baskets beside the bath.
I glanced at my reflection on the wall-to-wall mirror lining the entire left wall.

Here was a girl...

Long silver hair that looked grey with moisture. Fatigue clearly piled on her face. Draped in common clothes which were wrinkly from travel.

I shuddered at my own image and proceeded to the bath wondering why would someone need a mirror that big. Someone with equally gigantic vanity I guess....

I dipped my feet into the bath and the warm water sent shivers of comfort up my spine. My eyes closed with relaxation as I let my body be enveloped in the aromatic waters.

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