Chapter 8.5: Halloween Special

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Nora surprises the vampire Jaune with her Halloween costume; a hyperactive zombie. Surprised, Jaune loses his balance and falls back into the corner of the room, which is, of course, filled with black cobwebs. A small spider Grimm scurries away, downtrodden at the sight of its wasted time with one of its fake bunny ears drooping low. A familiar hand reaches down to offer the blonde its help.

[Jaune] "ah, thanks Pyrrha."
[Pyrrha] "Did she bite you?"
[Jaune] "what?"

After picking Jaune up from the floor, Pyrrha shows the boy the bite marks running up her arm.

[Jaune] "Nora did this?"
[Pyrrha] "Indeed. You should see what she's done to Ren..."
[Jaune] "o-oh"

Taking a closer look at the girl in front of him, the blonde realises that her costume is rather minimal. Consisting of her normal combat attire with makeup and a fake arrow made to look as if it were stabbed through her chest.

[Jaune] "um, your costume..."
[Pyrrha] "it's not much, I know, I just thought that this would have the largest impact."
[Jaune] "I does bring up certain feelings..."
[Pyrrha] "o-oh?"

Pyrrha blushes as the door to the decorated auditorium bursts open, revealing an extremely energetic mummy with rose petals falling behind her.

[Ruby] "iiiiiit's my birthday!"

Following Ruby, Blake, dressed as Zwei walks in nonchalantly and takes a seat, pulling out her book and opening it up to her current chapter. Weiss walks through in a Snow White costume and seems to search for a certain blue haired individual and Yang knocks Ruby on the head, dressed as Hellboy.

[Yang] "we celebrated your birthday all day. It's Halloween time."
"Friend Ruby!"
[Ruby] "Huh? Is that you Penny!?"
[Penny] "In-deed."

Penny, dressed as Pinocchio, runs up to Ruby cheerfully.

[Penny] "perchance, did I here you say it was your birthday today?"
[Ruby] "Yeah! I had sooooo much candy!"
[Penny] "I see. Your blood sugar levels are indeed past suggested parameters. I would suggest limiting your intake of sweets for the remainder of the evening."
[Ruby] "awwww, that's no, I guess they shouldn't go to waste, so you can have them."

Ruby pulls out a large bag of candy seemingly from thin air and holds the sweets in front of Penny. The ginger girl looks at the confectionary for a moment before tipping the candy down her throat like a trashcan opening its lid.

[Penny] "S-S-Sugar rush.exe loading..."
[Ruby] "ummm Penny?"
[Penny] "Loading...Execute...Wooo!!"

Penny begins bouncing off the walls, ceiling and floor as the sugar rush takes hold. As this is happening, the door flings open once again.

[Sun] "Sun and Neptune are in the- Whoa!"

A Penny rocket sails over them, almost taking Suns head with her.

[Neptune] "what just happened?"

Neptune in a pirate costume and Sun in an outfit fit for a king among monkeys watch as Penny flies across the room until she is trapped within a black spiders web. Now hanging from the ceiling, Penny wobbles from side to side, kept from falling by her webbed carapace.

[Penny] "this is fun"

Velvet the wererabbit picks up the little spider and happily strokes the fake ears while Weiss, having seen Neptune enter, rushes over while attempting to keep her dignity intact.

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