Chapter 9 Something Fishy.

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"All set Tye," said Felix, confirming his groups position.
"Same here," said Scars, doing the same with his group.
"Move out," replied Tye to both, as he signalled to his own group that they were on the move.

It was so simple.
Too simple.

Within not even 45 minutes of the first round firing, Tye and his 29 other teammates had secured the colony and were then running sweeps of the colony to make sure that they got every single one of the Black Sun operatives who had led the failed but far too soft assault and hold over the 'colony'.

Most of the inhabitants proved to be long gone, whether literally or just disappearing into the wilderness.

But as with anything that proves too easy, something was bound to go wrong.

Horribly wrong.

And it did...

Despite not wanting to go outside and potentially leave themselves exposed to an attack in case of failure on the strike teams behalf, C.T was coerced into allowing the remaining company members out onto the plain like area that served as their landing grounds.

He was presently watching the playing childlikes with great intent, as one would do with very small children to prevent them from causing too much damage to themselves. He currently felt like that parent watching over small children as he relaxed his arms against his knees and continued his assignment to watch them closely.

C.T suddenly felt something jab into his neck, which momentarily distracted him from the playing childlikes he was supposed to be watching. Gasping in pain, C.T reached around to feel what had presumably bitten him but instead found a small dart. Plucking it out, C.T tried to observe it but his vision was hazy at best and he couldn't see properly anymore.
C.T began listing dangerously from side to side as he lost his balance and tumbled off the rock, everything going black and leaving C.T in a state of confusion as he could remember nothing more of the Vergesso Asteroids.

Tye stood apart from the team slightly as he watched their prisoners before them as he waited for Hack to confirm the call in to their own ship.

"Tye!" called a seemingly slightly distressed Hack.
"What's wrong Hack?" asked Tye, hurrying over to him swiftly, fearing some form of bad news.
"It's the ship," said Hack, trying to raise it again. "I'm getting no response."
"Is something block the communication?"
"No," said Hack, hissing when it didn't work again and starting over. "This is the 15th time I've tried."

The beep of unaccepted came through again and Hack cursed violently to himself. Tye was about to say something to him when a new sound in the atmosphere alerted them to another presence on the Asteroid.

The sound of a ships engines engaging had caught Tye's attention as he looked over at the taking off ship.
It wasn't theirs, it seemed much too large for that.
But Tye felt a sense of foreboding as they watched to ship takeoff into atmosphere.

"C.T!" whispered Tye in terror.

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