The Curse ~Chapter Three~

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I remember when I left Ms. Williams home waving to the others as we walked down the path. I remember turning around and seeing Sally at her bedroom window as sad look on her face. I smiled and waved, she waved back but didn't smile.

I remember when I went back to school, everyone was being really nice to me, saying they were sorry to hear my mum had died, but was happy to see me back in school again.

Everything was going great over the next over the next eight years. I was back to school happy and with my friends, Gavin helped me through my rough nights swopping in the sky. He became a really good friend to me and was very supportive when I cried for my mamma.

Everything was great until that night.

Gavin died when I was sixteen. Leaving his home to me, I had taken on his job translating the Latin text museums sent him. My only way of making money though I didn't need it. He had left me enough to last me to the day I die.


It had been three months since I turned sixteen. And eight years since being cursed. Life with Gavin was all that bad. While I went to school he would either stay at home translating Latin text or he was doing his other job which he never told what it was. He kept his office locked, I had tried breaking into it many times but I couldn't bust the lock. I knew he was hiding something.

We were getting alone great though, Gavin really was like an uncle to me. He was fun to be around we would joke about and on weekends we would go out to different towns, museums or theme parks and have a blast.

Then everything changed one Saturday morning. I was waiting back at the cabin for Gavin. I started to panic there was only thirty minutes left till sunset and Gavin still hadn't returned. I haven't seen him all day.

But just before I could go into full panic the front door burst open and Gavin ran in.

"Gavin? Where have you been, it's nearly sunset," I then saw the panicked look on face. "What happened?"

"I-I think...I think I...I think I killed someone last night," he choked out dropping onto the couch next to me.

"What! What happened? What makes say that?" I asked.

"I woke up in an alley in town. While I was in the town there was a big riot about a hiker who was just found mauled by a bear." He was shaking all over. I placed my hand on his should trying to comfort him.

"It will be alright, Gavin," I promised him.

"No it won't, Tianna," he looked at me, "we don't get bears around here. The town's men have the rifles and are out hunting down this bear. When I change in," he looked at the clock, "thirteen minutes, they will be out there hunting me."

I felt a few tears escape and roll down my cheek. "So what's going to happen?" I whisper.

Gavin gave me a small smile. "Tianna, if I don't return tomorrow morning the cabin is yours. I have enough money in the bank to last you for ages so you'll be fine financially. Just promise me one thing...please, keep going to school."

I started to cry harder, "Okay," I whispered. I flung my arms around Gavin's neck and hugged him tight. "Please, don't die Gavin!" I sobbed.

"Oh, Tianna. You'll be fine, just remember everything I taught you." He kissed my head.

We stayed locked to each other for five minutes before Gavin announced it was time to go.

~End Flashback~

That was the last time I saw Gavin. When I awoke the next morning I ran straight back to the cabin but there was no sign of him. I waited all day sitting out on the front porch for him but he never showed. I sat there and watched as the sun set and darkness clouded my vision.

Monday morning I woke up again in the forest running back to the cabin. But still there was no sign of him, it was still in the same state I had left it the day before. I got showered and dressed for school.

When I got into the town within minutes I was hearing the story of a huge black bear that was shot dead Saturday night. When I reached school I ran into the toilets and cried. It was true Gavin was really dead.

And once again I was all alone.

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