Returning to Hogwarts

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Draco's POV

Draco had just walked through the entrance to Platform 9 3/4 when he caught sight or his fellow Slytherins.

"Blaise! Wait up you git !"

" Aw is someone a little grumpy because their mummy is making them go back to school , hmm? "

"Oh shut up and get on the train"

"Have you been told who's head girl yet ?"

"No , but I already have a feeling that I'm not going to want to spend much time in that stupid heads dorm , I mean I don't see why I can't still live in the dorms with Yous but no I have to stay with some insufferable book worm most likely "

" ye well at least the head rooms are said to actually be quite nice "

"Ye , whatever . Right I'm leaving now need to go to Mc Gonagalls office to meet the Head Girl lets hope she isn't a complete loss ".

" okay see you later mate "

Then Draco left and went in his way to Mc Gonagalls office.

Hermione's POV

For the first time in history Hermione Granger was late because she couldn't fit all the shoes that Ginny had made her bring with her so now there she was stumbling through the entrance to Platform 9 3/4 with three different bags and a cage with a rather annoyed looking Crookshanks , while she was shouting various different apologies cause to all the people she kept bumping into.

'Ohhh , I'm going to kill Ginny when I see her ' she thought to herself.

She had just lugged Crookshanks and her bags and trunk onto the train and quickly made her way to Mc Gonagalls office. She had just walked in and she still hadn't seen who was there because she had turned her back to close the compartment door but was having a bit of difficulty with it .

"Mrs Granger I wouldn't have expected you to be late I rather expected Mr Malfoy to be the one that came in late "

Hermione thought her mind was playing tricks on her ' did she just say Malfoy ?' But she then realised it wasn't ask she heard Malfoy grunt.

"Of course "
He then walked over and moved Hermione out of the way and shut the door that she didn't know why but wasn't shutting for her and just closed it with very little effort and then went back to his seat, Hermione quickly ran to her seat.

" Sorry Professor , you wouldn't believe the morning I've had".

"I will let it slip for today but if this becomes a habit I may have to reconsider my choices of head girl ".

Malfoy snickered

"That goes for you too Mr Malfoy , I am only allowing you being head as we teachers want to give you a chance".

"Ye , whatever ".

" right well let's get straight to the point I know you two are not the best of friends but your going to have to put up with each other that means staying in the different dorms but sharing a common room , Yous will share a bathroom ,Yous will patrol together and Yous will plan meetings and events together , will any of that be a problem?"

But before any of them could say anything Professor Mc Gonagall said to then before showing them to the heads compartment.

"No?, good okay off Yous go the train will arrive soon "

And with that that were shooed through to the heads compartment. I was quite awkward as both were not really interested in talking to each other , Hermione thought you was going to die from boredom when the train finally came to a stop so with that Hermione practically ran out of the compartment to go find Ginny and the others.

Draco's POV

'Of course , I mean who else would be head girl except form goody-two shoes , bookworm , Gryffin stinking dor princess Granger ' he thought to himself just as he was getting into a carriage with Blaise, Theo and Pansy. Draco was brought out of his thought when Blaise asked him something.

" So who's Head Girl ?"

" take a guess she hangs about with Harry Snotter and weasel "

" I knew it'd be Granger I mean who else would it be ?"

" I bet I could have been head girl "

The carriages erupted with laughs from the three boys .

"Seriously Pansy you would never be head girl your lucky you even made it to seventh year ".

"Shut up all of Yous don't even know why I like Yous "

"But back to the point c'mon Draco mate who else did you think would be head I mean she the top of our year and and war heroin of course they'd pick her".

"Right , whatever man shut up before I be sick anyway we have to get off now "

They then all made their way to the door of Hogwarts before all going to their dorms before dinner.

I really did want to make this chapter longer but  thought this part was the best part to stop at , sorry 💗

Please like and comment and I will consider everyone's opinions thanks , Georgia 💗

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