Ch-6 I'm going to make Rebecca's head flip

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Many high schools are different from each other.

Different looks, different rankings, different students.........but there's one thing every high school has:


Everybody in the school has to be tagged.

Well, there are many tags in Harbridge High too. Like Rebecca Stanfield is tagged as #queenbee, #school'shottestgirl, #cheerleadingcaptain and many more....positive tags. Let's also not forget that she is also the exact replica of Regina George.

Then we have Sally, who like other girls has a hobby to flirt with Jeremy. But if you all have been noticing, she does it more than anyone. So she's got certain tags too. #schoolslut, #juniorprostitute, #wannabepopular.

Then we've got everyone's favourite. Jeremy. He has all the cool tags. #school'sbiggestplayboy, #badboyNo.1, #futurefootballcaptain, and all these other kinds of tags.

We also have some for Hazel. #tomboy, #hyperactivegirl, and so on. Not too bad, right?

And then we have me. Well, I, as you all know, is tagged as the loser. But, that was soon going to change. After I took some sweet revenge from my new number one enemy- Rebecca. The girlfriend of my topper in my 'Hate List'. Jeremy.

I still regretted knowing him the first from all the students in school. And I could make out that he wasn't happy with that either. His girlfriend had been bullying me and many other girls like me. But all he ever did was watch them, flirt, sleep with girls, and be head on heels crazy for Rebecca. But somehow, the whole school still seemed to adore him.

It was 'Break' like any other day. For the past few days, I'd been sitting at the losers' table. No one even talked to me. I even sat alone in my classes.

All that the other students could think of me was an english girl who thought she could rule the world, but suddenly realised that she was a sour loser. I heard a guy say that once and would've punched the lights out of him, if Hazel wouldn't have pulled me away on time.

Laura hadn't been talking to me either. Maybe she felt a little guilty for what had happened to me. Well, she hadn't stuck up for me the way Hazel had, but I had forgiven her now.
Whenever we spotted each other in the hallways, Laura would scurry away without looking at me. I would call after her sometimes, but she would pretend that she didn't hear.

For two days, Jeremy had been acting a little weird. He would keep staring at me between classes. I would stare back too. But then the situation got too awkward, so I would look back in front.

"Jennifer?" Hazel asked as she walked towards the 'Losers' table. I looked up at her.

"When are you planning to take revenge from Rebecca?" She asked with a tinge of sweet sarcasm.

"What?" The Loser girl sitting next to me gasped.

I rolled my eyes at the girl. "When the right time comes." I answered Hazel.

"And when would that be? After you become a feeble grandma?" She asked mockingly.

"You shouldn't take revenge from such a sweet girl.......say something!" The girl nudged the fatty boy in front of her. He was in the middle of eating the disgusting jam donuts we got on most days. But the fatty boy seemed to be devouring the chewy little ball.
The sudden nudge startled him and he smeared the jam all over his face.

"Yeah! Don't do that! Rebecca is not what she seems!" Cried Fatty Boy, wiping his mouth from his sleeve.

I ignored him and said, "Most probably tomorrow, Hazel. I promise."
She gave me a doubtful look, but I returned a reassuring one.

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