chapter - 3

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Hey guys Its finaly here part 3 So i hope you will like it

I don't own RWBY rooster teeth does. You own yourself.
I only own the story anyway let's begin.


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

As i entered the (f/c) colour portal the first thing i see was the Tower ozpin was in. It was midnight So i don't have to care about someone seeing me.

I then silently walked towards the roof door as i opened them i walked and got into a long hall with doors with team names on them

As you walked around the academy you sense the same silver eyed Warrior as before you walked towards the source of the power until you got to a door with RWBY on it

(Y/n): RWBY? huh...

You heard a sound behind you, you quickly hide as you see a green haired man with glasses and a cup of coffee walking around the halls

You lowered your aura as much as you could So he Will not sense your great Power And it worked! he just walked away from you as you then got up from your hiding spot as you turn to the door of team RWBY as you turned into smoke and go trought the team door RWBY.

As you got inside the dorm you exime the room and whisper

(Y/n): Hmm...not too much just some poorly made bunk beds and their stuff

You whisper as you make your way to the beds you could see the girls from Yesterday sleeping but then you see the silver eyed Warrior you walked towards her slowly try not to make any soun- *CREAK*

(Y/N):*toughts* shit...

You then heard all of them open their eyes as they look at you and sceamed





As the last blond yelled she got up from her bed as she punched you hard enough sending you trought the Window as you fall 20 m until your back hit the ground hard making a crater

(Y/n): She does have a hit

As you said it you see them jump from their window with their Fighting gear as they are ready to attack.

Yang's p.o.v.

As i punched that creep trought our window i heard ice queen yell


Yang: woah ice queen you should chill out.

Weiss: don't call me that and answer my question!!!!

She yelled not that much like before as i shrug and look trought the broken Window i was shocked what i see IT was some type of a humanoid Grimm And even after my hit it was still in one peace


Blake: shoulnd't we tell ozpin

Weiss: of course we should tell ozpin but we need to catch that dolt before he runs away

Weiss said as we quickly got our Fighting gear and jump after him.

Weiss was first to say something as we get here

Weiss: w-what it Is?

She said in fear

Yang: whatever it is we will defeat it no matter what

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