chapter - 13

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(a/n): I don't own RWBY rooster teeth does

I own the story

You own yourself




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you yelled rushing at Tyrian and slashing him

Tyrian tried to hit you but you were too fast for him

Suddenly Tyrian started shooting at you but the bullets melted before they hit you

You raised your big hand and slammed them against Tyrian's wrist blades

You were ready to cut off his head but Ruby appeared by your side

(Y/n): Ruby! This is my fight go away!

You yelled stomping on Tyrian's back with massive force

Tyrian: aaaaaahhhhh my back!

(Y/n): shut.the.fuck.UP.

You yelled throwing him into a building,

Tyrian jumping from the building and rushed at you once again

You sighed and slashed at him making him bleed heavily

Tyrian: *couching blood* I'm not feeling very good...

You walked to Tyrian closer ready to kill him but he stands up

Tyrian: ...but that will not stop me from killing you! AHAHAHAH!!!

Tyrian laughed and running towards you , you two clashed your weapons , you noiticed that Ruby attacked Tyrian from behind but he blocked Ruby's attacks with his tail

(Y/n): RUBY!! I told you that this is my fight!!

Ruby: this is MY fight too!!

Ruby said rushing at Tyrian but he kicked Ruby into wall, piece of the building nearly fall on her but you quickly cut it in half with your claws

Ruby looked at you and smiled


You looked down and see that Tyrian plugged his tail trough your chest

It was silence until Ruby shoot off Tyrian's tail making him scream in pain

Tyrian: you bitch!

Nora, Ren and jaune surrounded Tyrian while he said to himself

Tyrian: she'll forgive you

Tyrian said running away while you glare at him

(Y/n)'s mind: pathetic...

Ruby: (y/n) are y-you ok?

You looked down and back at Ruby

(Y/n): yeah I'm ok just got hole in my chest

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