chapter - 17

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(a/n): I don't own RWBY rooster teeth does

I only own the story

You own yourself



(Y/n)'s p.o.v.


You are walking through the Halls of your mansion calmly until you heard some noises coming from Salem's room

(Y/n): huh? What's happening in there?

Sienna: I'm not sure, let's go check it out

You hear sienna say as you started walking towards Salem's room quietly

The moaning started to get louder as you were getting closer to Salem's room

You slightly opened the doors and peek in seeing Salem and...

[Dream end]

You shot up from bed in anger

(Y/n): grrr when I'm gonna get my hands on him I'll...

Cinder: *tiredly* hmm (y/n)? What are you doing? Go back to sleep it's too early to wake up

You turned to cinder and kissed her on forehead

(Y/n): sleep my little flame I'm gonna be right back

Cinder smiled and go back to sleep

You put on your armor and exited the room walking to Salem's room wanting to check on her

[Little timeskip]

You are in front of Salem's room so you peek trough the door and see her in her bed peacefully sleeping until you see another person beside her

You turned into smoke and entered Salem's room to look at the guy that's sleeping beside her

When you looked at the guy you see that the guy is...

(Y/n): ABDUCTOR!!!!!!

You yelled in pure anger as both Salem and abductor shot up from the bed

Salem: f-father! It's not h-how it l-looks like! Really!

Abductor: my Lord, this is a big misunderstanding!

You walked towards abductor with you hands near his neck

(Y/n): you little...

You started choking him with both your hands wrapped tightly around his neck

Salem: DAD!!


(Y/n): so... you really love her?

You asked looking at abductor slightly angry

Abductor: indeed my Lord my love doesn't have limits for her

You rolled your eyes

Salem: father please, mother would love finally see me with someone

You sighed as the stress started to build up in you again

(Y/n): alright, abductor you can date my daughter Salem but remember...

You grab abductor with one hand by neck and bring him near your face that changed

You grab abductor with one hand by neck and bring him near your face that changed

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