chapter - 19

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(a/n): I don't own RWBY rooster teeth does

I only own the story

You own yourself


(Y/n)'s  p.o.v

(Y/n): *huff* *huff* that... Was really *huff* hard

You said between breaths as you are standing on piles of altas soldiers with your sword in hand and half cowered in blood

You jumped down from the pile on the floor and walked deeper into the base to find the box

[Minutes later]

(Y/n): oh no...

You looked around you in panic seeing that you're surrounded by altas soldiers with their weapons pointed at you

Winter: it's time to end you monster *turns to soldiers* fire!

You quickly dodged all their bullets but few of them hit you

(Y/n): SHIT! What am I gonna do?!!?

You looked around and see a vent above you

(Y/n): alright! Let's do this!

You transformed , jumped into the ventilation and quickly runned away, trying to hide from the soldiers and that schnee and find the box

You transformed , jumped into the ventilation and quickly runned away, trying to hide from the soldiers and that schnee and find the box

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[Meanwhile with Thanatos]

Thanatos: so is it true that you knocked up the whole team RWBY?

Thanatos asked jack in annoying voice

Jack: grrr stop talking and fight!!!

Thanatos laughed

Thanatos: *dodging Jack's attacks* hmm I wonder what's on dinner tonight...

Jack: are you even taking this fight seriously?!

Jack yelled as Thanatos ignored his questions and looked at ground

Thanatos: oh look there's a ladybug on the ground

Jack grabs Thanatos by head and throws him against the ground

Thanatos: ow!

Thanatos summoned his scythe and slashed several times at Jack in incredible speed

Jack: time to end this!

Jack said creating a huge wave of darkness knocking Thanatos out

Thanatos: oof *falls on the ground unconscious*

[Back to (y/n)]

(Y/n): I'm close I can feel it...

You said crawling through the vents without alerting the soldiers under you

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