chapter - 14

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(a/n): I don't own RWBY rooster teeth does

I own the story

You own yourself


(Y/n)'s p.o.v.

I started to wake up and I noiticed that nuckelaveea is hugging me in her sleep

(Y/n): hey wake up.

You said gently shaking her

Nuckelaveea: hmmm?

She opened her eyes and smiled seeing you

(Y/n): I see that we are already here, let's go

You said standing up and walking inside the temple

???: Hey! Who are yo- *noitices you* o-oh i-im so s-sorry o-our Lord

You looked at nuckelaveea and nodded, she smiled widely and killed the guy by tearing his head from his body with spine

You opened a huge portal and both you and nuckelaveea walked in appearing in Grimm realm

(Y/n): this is the key to your room

You said handing her a key and walking away

(Y/n): now I need someone to retrieve the maidens and some more soldiers since my foolish brother destroyed all of MY creatures.

You said thinking

(Y/n): hmm Hazel could convince sienna with Adam to help us and watts can speak with lionheart and I could find the rest of team RWBY

You said walking into your meeting room


You are waiting in your meeting room on your throne waiting for watts and Hazel

Suddenly Hazel and watts entered and bowed before sitting

(Y/n): do you know why did I called you two here?

Watts/Hazel: no

(Y/n): alright, so I have a plan and you two play a role in it, Hazel I need you to go with Adam Taurus to convince sienna Khan to join us remember no killing and watts you are going to check on our friend Arthur lionheart if he knows something new alright?

Hazel/watts: yes my Lord

They both said sitting up and leaving

(Y/n): hmm so Ruby is in my house underground , Blake is on Vacuo but I don't know wheres yang and Weiss... Hmm I should find Weiss first since it's easier to catch her and without her weapon she can't defend herself that much

You said shrugging and walking to the exit, when you opened the doors you bumped into Gezmond

(Y/n): watch where you are going Gezmond

You said growling looking down at Gezmond as he stands up and bowed

(Y/n): but i would use your help since you're one of the best in my faction

You could feel his shock and confusion

(Y/n): yes. You Gezmond are one of the best  in my faction , now let's not waste any time and let's go!

You shouted walking to your armory with Gezmond by your side


(Y/n): so Weiss's last location is this?

You asked Gezmond pointing at the location on the hologram of remnant he is holding

He nodded and put it back into his pocket

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