Chapter 1 - Keith doesnt like summer...

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"D-dad, please s-stop…"

"Shut up! You fucking slut...and you know what you’re supposed to call me."



It was a nice and sunny day, not just any day but the start of summer break. Everyone was getting out of school, planning things that they could do over the summer break. Everyone except Keith Kogane that is, he didn't care much for summer break, in his mind he'd rather stay home or go on walks. His friends had other ideas of course, like they'd listen to Keith anyway. His friends were actually discussing their plans at this very moment, Keith was tuning them out though, like normal. "No, I don't wanna go whale watching! We have to do something exciting!" The tall boy known as the ever flirtatious Lance McClain spoke loudly, flailing his arms out to try prove his point. "We can't just go whale watching, that's so boring! How diving!!!" Lance stood overjoyed by his own idea. He’s cute when he’s like that. For a moment everyone was silent, contemplating whether or not this was a good idea.

"I don't know if that is a good idea. What if something goes wrong, it's really risky and with a group this big. That’s even worse." The tall muscular man known as the dad of the group said with his arms crossed, leaning into one of the bean bags in the library with a slightly smaller female pressed against his side. Though she was pretty muscular herself. "I don't want anyone getting hurt." Shiro was always looking out for everyone, which is how he was labeled as the dad of the group. Shiro was tall and muscular and had a weird spot of white hair on the top of his head, it was apparently caused by stress. Keith was unsure about what could have stressed him out so much and he had asked a number of times but Shiro only ever changed the subject. He had also asked the others if they knew but they avoided the question. It's like they were hiding something, Keith did his best to ignore it though.

"I agree with Shiro, it's really risky, are you sure you want to do that? Someone could get hurt. Or someone might not be comfortable with it." She glanced at Keith for a second. Yep and there's the mom of the group, Allura. She is always on Shiros side. "I mean yes it sounds exciting, but it's dangerous." now here's the 'I'm not really on either side but I agree with Shiro more' thing she does all the time. Allura was nice and she was without a doubt a very beautiful woman but she and Keith never got along that well. Despite their close relationships with Shiro they never really liked each other. Maybe it was just because she was a female? Keith was fine with Pidge though so that probably wasn't it. It was different with Pidge, she isn’t very feminine she is more gender neutral so that might be why they got along better. Keith never really liked females so he avoided them as much as possible. It was a little hard to avoid Allura though since she was normally with Shiro and he was practically a brother to Keith, he wouldn’t avoid him just because he didn’t want to be around Allura.

   “The likelihood of one of us dying is eight in a million, I doubt any of us will be killed by that. Plus, this sounds intriguing, I'd like to see everyone’s reactions.” The small figure on the basil green beanbag spoke with a matter of fact tone. She definitely just wants blackmail. Pidge had a sly smirk on their face and was now nudging Keith in the arm. “Am I right? What do you think, Keith? Think it’s worth it?” She was looking at Keith now with a wide grin on her face. She managed to get Keith’s full attention easily since they got along pretty well and she always had something interesting to say. She’s the person to go for if you want to gossip. Pidge was also very intelligent and would listen to anything Keith had to say, but she wasn’t the best at keeping secrets so Keith rarely said anything that he didn’t want people to know to her. Keith would normally go to Hunk for those kind of things, especially for Hunk hugs those were probably the best hugs Keith had ever gotten. He hasn’t gotten hugs from everyone in their group; Lance and Allura were the only ones left but he knew it would be hard to get a hug from either of them so he never tried. All eyes were on Keith now expecting an answer, all were curious but one pair was glaring holes through him. Lance, he seriously hated Keith for no reason. Why does he hate me so much?

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