Reality check

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“Earth to Brooklyn” Laurel nudges me in the ribs, I’m still in English with the spit swapping happening right in front of me. I sigh really loudly and Valerie turns to glare at me before going back to kissing Spencer. Ah reality though art a bitch I think to myself, as Ms Greenforth keeps going on about Hamlet oblivious to Valerie and Spencer’s blaringly obvious PDA. When this cosmic lesson is over maybe I’ll have some good luck for once. Who am I kidding? Myself obviously.

“So you dreamed that whole thing?” Laurel asks after I tell her and the girls at break about what I thought had been a perfect date with Spencer but turned out to be a daydream. “I know it’s silly but it felt real” I admit, “well we’ll just have to make it real” Tash says with a determined look on her face. Uh-oh there’s no way we’re changing her mind now, prepare to be embarrassed my mind tells me as Tash starts towards Spencer. I jump up and grab her arm, “Tash he’s still going out with Valerie” I remind her. She looks at me questioningly “they broke up after English, he said she was too clingy” she tells me “I thought you knew.” I’m lost in thought temporarily until I notice Tash is free from my grip and walking towards Spencer again. “Wait Tash! Let me do it” I shout, she turns around and smiles “I knew you’d come around.”

Realising what I just said I mentally slap myself, idiot! As Tash comes back past me back to the table where the others are sitting, she winks and whispers “go get him!” I shake my head, mentally cursing myself as I walk towards Spencer. As I approach he lifts his head and smiles slightly, all of a sudden I don’t trust my legs to hold me. As I’m caught up in his perfect smile I vaguely hear someone shout my name. I see Spencer’s expression change as he looks at something to the left of my head, as I turn to see what it is I realise it was a stupid decision. The basketball collides with my head, I hit the ground and black out as I see people coming towards me.

I come to in the sick bay with an ice pack on the pounding in my head, I see Spencer sitting in a chair across the room. He gets up and walks over as I start to move, then gently pushes me back down as I try to sit up. “You hit your head pretty hard” he explains, “how long have I been out?” I ask embarrassed. “Not too long” he says reassuringly, smiling slightly. “That was pretty silly of me…” I admit and he looks a little confused. “I was coming to talk to you and I think the basketball to the head was the universe’s way of saying no” I explain and he chuckles slightly. “What’s so funny?” I ask, now it’s my turn to be confused. “You.” He states simply, “the basketball hitting you had nothing to do with you it was just accident” he assures me. Yeah like everything else that happens to me is, I think to myself. “Actually I’m kind of glad that it happened” he admits quietly. “You’re glad I got hit in the head?!” I cry, feeling a little hurt. “Not because you got hurt but because we’re talking right now” he explains embarrassedly, “I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while…” this is a surprise! I don’t have the strength to hide my surprise, “really?!?” I exclaim, I can feel the disbelief plain on my face.

“Well we haven’t really spoken since year 6” he reminds me, “oh yeah why was that?” I try and sit up again so I can see him better but he gently pushes me back down again. “I don’t really remember but you need to rest so we’ll discuss this later” he assures me. Later? What did he mean later?  Clearly I must look confused because he says “When my parents and I come for the start of the year barbeque” he reminds me. Oh yeah our families do that every year, “Are you bringing Valerie?” I ask. “No we broke up after English, I thought you knew.” He tells me (being hit with the basketball kind of made me forget about their break up). This year would start different let’s see if it can stay different for once, better for once.

“So Spencer and his Parents are coming over when?” Laurel asks in my room after we came home due to the basketball incident, she’s my moral support. “They’re coming over at 4” I inform her as I rummage through my closet and drawers. “And you’re doing that because?” she eyes off the clothes strewn around us, “I need to find a simple dress to match my bikini in case we go in the pool” I explain holding up my red halter neck bikini. She digs around on the floor for a minute before chucking a dress at my head. I pull the dress off my head, “I was wondering where that was” I say and she just rolls her eyes. 

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