The morning after

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I don’t remember changing into my pyjamas, getting into bed or falling asleep last night. But apparently I did all of those things, though not too well I think to myself. I look around at the clothes strewn at the end of my bed, jeans barely off my legs and the shoes half on my feet. I shake my head slightly and chuckle as I swing my legs over the edge of my bed, trying to entirely remove the bottom half of last night’s clothes. I look at myself in the floor length mirror in my closet door, I sigh and give up trying to wrangle my hair or fixing my face as I walk towards the kitchen. In search of food with lucky at my heels once again, I rummage through the fridge until I feel hands at my waist.

The hands move to cover my eyes and an all too familiar voice is in my ear once more “Guess who.” As I realise who it is I smile, only to have a mild freak out as I remember what I’m wearing. Although with Spencer’s hands back at my waist, standing there in only an oversized t-shirt and undies feels natural and almost normal. Except for the fact that I was standing in front of the fridge in my underwear and an oversized shirt, with my now boyfriend very close behind me and his hands at my waist. Feeling self-conscious and guilty I gently take his hands from my waist, keeping one in my right hand as I turn back to the fridge. I glance back over my shoulder at his face and he raises an eyebrow at me, I gesture at my current attire and he shrugs.

Moving too fast for my slow reflexes, Spencer has his hands back around my waist and pulls me back into him, so I feel his muscular torso pressed against my back. I’m so taken aback by the speed of the movement and distracted by the feeling against my back that I just stand there momentarily frozen, until I remember where we are and what I’m wearing. I try to escape his grasp but my wriggling causes him to tickle my sides, I don’t like that. Violently writhing in fits of giggles against Spencer’s muscular torso, I squeal and knock my head back a little too hard.

I hear Spencer grunt and see him stagger back as I turn around, I rush over and apologise immediately. I feel so bad as I look up to his face and examine the damage, he just grins at me then grimaces from the pain. As I touch his chin tentatively he chuckles and it moves my hand, I frown slightly which only makes him laugh more. “You have a hard head” he rubs his chin before ruffling my hair and I punch him playfully in the chest, only to connect with solid muscle. I cry out a little and whimper as I flex my hand, at this Spencer stares at me almost in disbelief before he practically falls onto the ground laughing. “It’s not funny” I whine as I look down at him, frowning. Although apparently that didn’t work because he only laughs harder.

I feel slightly childish as I storm off to my room but I stick with it as I see Spencer trailing behind still laughing, I slam my door and lock it from the inside. As I try to find some decent clothes (or at least some that don’t smell or look too bad) in my wardrobe, I hear Spencer knock on the door. As I pull out track pants and a sweatshirt from the drawers beside my closet, he knocks again… and again. I get up, walk to the door and unlock it, I open it just so I can peer out at Spencer. He looks up as he sees the door move and pulls his puppy eyes as he steps closer to the room. I melt at the sight and my resolution almost dissolves, I open the door a little more but stop there.

“Please princess?” Spencer gives me the eyes again, this time I step away from the door and allow him to step inside the room. I walk over to my bed and sit down, as he stands in the doorway. He comes to stand in front of me solemnly, his eyes bore into mine as he holds my gaze. It becomes so intense that I have to turn my gaze away, I look to where the toes of his shoes touch mine and I draw my feet closer to the bed. Spencer reaches under my chin and tilts my face to meet his eyes. I try and push against his hand, but his grip is strong on my chin and holds me there. He holds my gaze as he leans in and stops, I can feel his warm breath as he looks into my eyes for an okay or something. I hold no resistance as I sit there frozen by his gaze, he sees this and closes the space between our lips. Warm and gentle on mine, his mouth seems to make everything okay again with his kiss.  

Not sure how he manages to make everything okay in a single moment but he does. I think this over as I look up and meet his eyes, already watching my face. His eyes, warm brown like melted chocolate, look straight back into mine. He smiles my favourite smile, the one that always put me on the floor laughing as a kid and the one that makes my heart warm at the sight now, without breaking eye contact as he leans in once more. Just as I can feel his warm breath tickle my lips he closes his eyes and so do I, as our mouths meet in a tender moment of lips gently brushing. Then he grips my waist softly, taking my weight easily as he lifts me and sits with me now on his lap. He breaks away gently and leans his forehead into mine, before meeting my lips once more with his.

I’m lost in the feeling as the kiss deepens and our lips part slightly, so I can feel his warm breath in my mouth and I know he can probably feel mine. Spencer moves backwards onto my bed, so that he’s lying on his back. His hands still gripping my waist and holding my weight, he lowers me slightly so I’m just above him. Shifting his weight slightly, Spencer has his hands either side of my head on the bed and his knees hugging my hips so I can barely feel his weight. I have no idea what I’m doing, but I feel my hands move to the edge of his shirt. I begin trying to tug it up until he makes an impatient grunt, as his hands take over from mine and, briefly breaking the kiss, smoothly pull his shirt over his head. I hear it hit the ground softly as he lowers his weight again, I put my hands on his muscled chest and stop him. He opens his eyes and gives me a puzzled look, until I run my hands over his abdomen and then closes his eyes contentedly and groans softly. Pleased, I gently pull on his shoulders and he lowers himself back against me.

Still holding most of his weight off me, Spencer cradles my head with his hands tangled softly in my hair as I run mine up his back and into his hair. He makes a noise in his throat but seems happy, as he lowers himself a little more so I can feel the heat from his chest through my shirt. As though sensing this Spencer moves one of his hands and swiftly tugs it over my head, before pressing his perfectly muscled torso against my now bare stomach so I can feel the definition lines. Despite having nearly his whole body pressed against mine, I can barely feel any of Spencer’s weight. He breaks away and leans back slightly, he grins at me and I’m not sure why. I can feel that my hair is spread haphazardly across my pillow and my face is hot and clammy from combined heat and kissing, yet he continues to smile down at me. I turn away to try and catch my breath, but his hand catches my chin gently and brings it back so I’m looking at him once more. “I love you” he breathes and I feel mine catch in response. 

I look up into his eyes and lose my ability to speak, the earnest look in them warms my heart. I feel myself smile and I say “I love you too Spencer.” Relief visible in his face, he smiles at my response and softly kisses me once more before rolling off me. He rolls off the bed and lands on his feet, scoops up both our shirts and tosses me mine as he swiftly pulls his over his head. I whine and sigh as the last of his muscled torso is covered, he chuckles and musses my hair. “I’ll be downstairs when you’re ready for breakfast” he glances over his shoulder as he starts down the stairs. “I can do it!” I call after him as I tug on my shirt and a pair of track pants. The only response to that is a faint chuckle and the sizzling sound of the pan. I walk into the kitchen to find Spencer at the stove, shirt over his shoulder, cooking scrambled eggs (my favourite). “Happy?” he chuckles as he sees me grinning, I jab him playfully only to be met with muscle (of course).

He laughs and pulls me into a bear hug, I wrap my arms tightly around his waist and look up at him. I bring my hands to his torso, and as I lean on my tiptoes to kiss him I run my hands gently up to his shoulders. He sighs contentedly as my lips meet his and I can feel his grin against them. I step back and out of the way to let him finish making breakfast, I move to sit at the kitchen bench and suddenly notice Lucky at my feet. I scratch her head and she follows me to the bench, as I take my seat on the stool she takes hers by my feet. Spencer walks over with a plate of scrambled eggs in hand, to stand opposite me at the bench. He chuckles and says “don’t know what you’re waiting for, these are mine.” He grins as he slides the plate across to me. “Thank you” I grin back and his grin widens as I start eating the eggs. 

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