Another Shirtless School Morning

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I take Brooklyn’s plate as she smiles contentedly and looks at her watch, I’m about to move to put the plate in the dishwasher but Brooklyn’s changed expression stops me. She meets my gaze with wide-eyes and simply says the word we all dread, “School.” I drop the plate in the dishwasher and turn around to see Brooklyn dashing up the stairs, I chase after her only to have the door shut in my face when I reach her room. I look down and see Lucky at my feet, looking as dejected as I suddenly feel. The door opens quickly and as I glance up Brooklyn hurriedly kisses me. She turns away about to shut the door in my face again until I grab her at the waist and turn her around to face me. I look into her wide-eyes briefly before meeting her lips with mine, she relaxes in my arms as initial surprise is replaced with contentment and she reaches up, wrapping her arms around my neck. 

I pull back and lean my forehead against hers, I meet her curious gaze and say “see you at school Princess.” I kiss her forehead before rushing home to get ready before Ben arrives. If I’m ready before he gets there hopefully there’ll be less questions, I think to myself as I burst through the front door of my house and dash up the stairs. Mum and dad are gone as usual, so no one is around to witness my hurried change in the middle of the living room. I hear the feint click of the front door just after I’ve gotten my pants on, “will I still have my limited dignity if I come in?” Ben asks as he’s already stepping into the living room. I turn to him with my shirt in hand and laugh as Ben drops his face in his hand before dropping to his knees, “please O mighty abs… just put a shirt on Spence!” he gets up and heads back to the door. “Leaving in 5” he calls over his shoulder, I chuckle to myself and then he sticks his head back around the corner.

“I’m serious Spence put your shirt on…” he gives me a serious look before heading to the door again, but I can hear his muffled laughter fading. I throw my shirt on, unbuttoned, hold an apple in my mouth and slip my shoes on, as I hurry out the door at the sound of Ben’s car engine starting. He smiles sideways at me as I slide into the car just before he backs out of the driveway, until he looks across briefly and sees my still unbuttoned shirt. He just shakes his head in mock annoyance and says “really? Couldn’t button it before getting in the car?” Chuckling, I do a slight shimmy and say “thought I might wear it like this to school. What do you think?” Ben raises an eyebrow before laughing too, “definitely do that move as well” he says with an over exaggerated wink. I switch the radio off Ben’s much loved country station and onto triple J, I cast a sideways glance at Ben and he pulls a face before swatting my hand away from the controls. 

“You know what would be good right about now?” I glance at Ben and raise an eyebrow as I button my shirt. “I know I’m going to regret this but what?” he replies shaking his head slightly but smiling. “Coffee” I state, grinning madly and I see his eyes widen slightly. “Fine but don’t blame me when you’re going off the walls in front of your girlfriend.” He warns me in mock sternness as he pulls up outside The Den, our favourite coffee stop. As we walk in, I see the same group of girls from yesterday’s dancing embarrassment sitting at a table. Ben spots them too, just as they spot us and motion for us to come over. I grin as I turn to Ben, grab his wrist and drag him with me over to the girl’s table.

“Sorry I forgot to give you guys my friend’s number yesterday” I say as we reach the table and I grab a napkin off the table. They look at me with curious expressions, then at Ben standing slightly behind me.

I yank his wrist as gently as I can, whilst also getting him to come forward and talk and wave. He chats with them awkwardly until I interrupt the embarrassment, “anyone got a pen?” I ask saving Ben from a completely unsalvageable embarrassing moment. One of the girls hands me one eagerly, a little too eagerly but anyway. I write Ben’s name and number on the napkin in my hand and toss it into the middle of the table, Ben gives me a wide-eyed look briefly and I just pat him on the shoulder gently. “Alright well he’ll talk to you later if you text him” I say before walking away with a gaping, wide-eyed Ben in tow. We grab our coffees and head back to the car, Ben just gives me a look as we jump back in the car and I laugh. He raises an eyebrow and says “Not cool” whilst trying to keep from grinning himself. “You’ll thank me later” I tell him and he just shakes his head as we continue towards school.

We walk into the locker room and I shove my bag in my locker, close it and then lean on it while I wait for Ben. He grins as he closes his locker and looks at something behind me, “don’t look now but your girlfriend’s coming” he winks and I hear an annoyed exhale behind me. “You always spoil my fun” Brooklyn says to Ben and he pokes his tongue at her, as she does the same to him. I turn around and wrap my arms around her waist, as she reaches hers around my neck. “Hi” I sigh contentedly and she smiles as she kisses me softly, she pulls away as I hear Ben clear his throat behind me. She mock scowls at him as he laughs, so I kiss her cheek and she relaxes almost instantly in my arms. She tilts her head up and grins, I lean down and meet her smiling lips with mine. “C’mon guys seriously?” Ben cries and I can feel Brooklyn laughing against my mouth before pulling away, Ben laughs until we’re all joined by Brooklyn’s friends and he goes into awkward silence-in case of girl approach mode.

I laugh as I break away from Brooklyn and take her hand, as I move to stand by Ben’s side and nudge him. He glares at me and I wink, making him scowl more. “Now that’s not a good look. Smile girls love it” I whisper as I flash a smile at Brooklyn. She must have heard what I told him because she nudges me playfully and sticks her tongue out, I poke mine out in response and there’s a collective sigh from the group of girls opposite. I look over and see Ben talking to Brooklyn’s friend Piper, apparently whatever he’s saying is funny because she’s laughing and smiling. Brooklyn sees this too and meets my gaze, I raise an eyebrow as I tilt my head in Ben and Pip’s direction. She just shrugs and makes a heart shape with our hands, tilting her head in their direction and I just nod.

The bell rings and Brooklyn reaches on her toes and gives me a quick kiss before running for class with her friends, I look at Ben and he’s smiling as he looks at a piece of paper in his hands. He meets my gaze as I nudge him and give him a wink, he just nudges back and shakes his head. He starts to blush though and I laugh, as I sling my arm over his shoulder and we head to class.

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