The Encounter

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“Hey! Look who’s coming” Piper nudges me, as we’re sitting at our usual table. As I turn I can hear the sounds of my friends, also moving to get a look at the incoming figure getting closer. I hear Piper tell them off “not all at once”, just then I work out who it is coming towards us and practically can’t breathe. It’s Spencer and his gaze is focused solely on me, I think my friends realise this too because I hear a collective sight around me. He meets my eyes when he sees I’ve turned around and he flashes me that amazingly goofy grin of his. At a loss of breathing and brain function for the second time in a minute, I am so focused on getting oxygen into my lungs that I don’t notice him standing in front of me until he clears his throat and speaks.

“Hey Brooklyn” he says in that amazingly deep and sexy voice of his. What am I thinking… stay focused girl! My brain reminds me, finally regaining function after losing it over Spencer’s goofy grin. “Hey” I respond, just hoping I’m audible and he can hear me. He chuckles slightly and I sigh quietly, at least he heard me. “Can I talk to you for a sec?” he asks, tilting his head towards the oval. I look over my shoulder at Tash and Ness nodding enthusiastically while Laurel, Kat and Pip motion me off with their hands, grinning. I get up but as I start to move Pip grabs my arm violently and wrenches it towards her, bringing me with it. “We expect full run down when you get back” she warns me trying her best to stay serious, but as I turn and walk to Spencer I hear her lose it then try to quiet the others as they all start to giggle.

“So what’d you want to talk to me about?” I break the silence first, as we reach the stairs leading down to the oval. “Well...” he begins but as though he forgets what he was saying he stops. I’m about to say something but then he starts again. “I’m not too sure to be perfectly honest” he admits, looking at his shoes and I see a blush rise slightly in his cheeks. I feel my own warm a little to match so I wait a minute before speaking so he doesn’t see. “Um so what do you want to do now?” I ask, feeling a little awkward just standing on the stairs. So I start to walk again but he suddenly grabs wrist and pulls me back towards him slightly. But my being uncoordinated on my own, being pulled ever so slightly sets me off balance and I fall towards Spencer.

Just as I am about to take him with me completely embarrassing myself, he catches my waist agilely and rights me so I’m standing less than a meter from him. Even though I have my balance again and he has maintained his (thanks to being sporty with quick reflexes), his hands linger at my waist momentarily. He realises this and quickly retracts his hands, looking back to his feet again as his face reddens. I feel my own cheeks warm and look out to the oval, hoping he won’t look up and notice. He clears his throat and I turn back to face him, only to be surprised by how close he is suddenly. Seeing that I might lose balance again, his hands move ever so slightly to grab my hands gently and pull me away from the edge of the step. Why was someone as unco as me standing so close to the edge of a step? Because I have a taste for embarrassment apparently… my mind decides to cut in.

 As I come back to reality I realise how close Spencer and I are again, his hands are still gently gripping my wrists but I don’t mind. I see him glance at our hands and then to my face, trying to gauge my reaction. Seeing nothing negative he moves his hands slightly from my wrists by my sides to my waist, drawing me closer to him. He hugs me gently then pulls back slightly to see my face. He just smiles that goofy grin again, before releasing me and shifting his gaze to his feet again. I smile slightly, seeing how embarrassed he is makes me relax a little. Suddenly I hear giggles near the top of the stairs, I quickly turn to see my friends trying to run while muffling their giggles. I feel Spencer move beside me and I know he’s noticed too. I turn back to him expecting some reaction although I don’t know what, but it’s not the one I’m greeted with.

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