The dream date?

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“So then what?” Tash interrogates me at my place after the girls pushed me to talk to Spencer earlier. I’ve just informed them of the moment I melted when he said hi. Considering we haven’t really spoken since primary school, due to his longstanding (now ex) girlfriend Valerie, I was pretty impressed with my composure (I was freaking out inside, he still knew my name!). “Not much really” I say breezily. “B, you can’t trick us so spill” Laurel reminds me, I can see she’s desperate to know the details and she’s usually not as interested in gossip. “He asked me out!” I scream. “No way! When’s your date?!?” the girls demand. I bite my lip slightly, I can tell I look guilty. “B… tell us!” Tash yells, excitement plain on her face. “Uh… tonight” I admit, as I see their faces I know what’s about to happen so I run down the hall. As I get to my door I hear the girls’ footsteps approaching fast, I scream and push my door only to fall through as they pile up around me, swallowing me into the middle of a hug until we topple over into my room.

“What time??” they all ask as they clamber off me and offer me hand up. “In an hour…” I tell them, preparing myself to hit the floor again. “And you left it until now to tell us?!?” they all exclaim at once. “I call hair” Ness yells suddenly, “make-up” Piper shouts. I’m really confused and trying to understand why their shouting this when Katelyn calls “I’ll do nails!” what’re they yelling about? “As current style queen I’m definitely doing her outfit” Tash announces and I can tell I’m not the only one rolling my eyes. “Then I’ll accessorise” Laurel decides and it takes the girls dragging me into the bathroom for me to finally realise what’s happening.

Almost a full hour later and Pip, Kat, Laurel, Ness and Tash all take a step back looking pleased with their work aka Me! They didn’t let me even glimpse in a mirror throughout the whole ‘makeover’, now I practically sprint from the chair to the full length mirror in my closet. I’m admiring my friends work as they watch my reaction. My friends are truly geniuses and I open my mouth to thank them but can’t manage any words so I’ll just thank them later. I’m wearing a blue skater dress, my brown hair is curled into ringlets down my back, I have basic make up with red lipstick, my nails are painted the same colour as my dress, I have a necklace that sits just under the base of my throat (thin silver chain with a little heart) with matching earrings, and blue peep toes slight heels on with my toenails painted the same colour as my dress. As I look back up from my feet to my face I hear the girls giggling back in the bathroom and there’s Spencer standing in my bedroom doorway. 

I blush and look back down at my feet, I hear him chuckle behind me. I turn to face him but don’t look up just yet, I’m waiting for the heat in my cheeks to settle a little first. As if reading my mind Spencer says “you’re good now B” (He remembers my nickname from when we were little) so I look up trying not to blush again. He grins and steps into the room a little and I feel my own lips smile to match his “you ready to go?” he asks nodding back towards the door. “Just a sec…” I tell him as I duck into the bathroom to say bye to the girls. “Thanks guys for helping me. You going to go or stay?” I ask quickly, not wanting to keep Spencer waiting too long. “We’ll stay and you can tell us all about it when you get back, have fun B” Laurel says almost pushing me back out the door. “Ready” I say as I walk out of the bathroom. Spencer holds out his hand for me and I take it, hearing muffled squeals coming from the bathroom.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” I ask Spencer as we back out of my driveway in his Ute. “Nope.” He replies looking cheeky, “hint please?” I mock plead. “Your favourite cuisine” he grins as he glances across at me. “Italian? La Porchetta!” I exclaim and his grin just widens. I feel my own smile widen with his, he remembered my favourite cuisine! When we park outside the restaurant Spencer jumps out his door, comes and opens mine, then extends his hand to help me out of the car. “Thank you sir” I say as he mock bows then offers his arm, I link my arm with his as we head to La Porchetta.

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