13. Help Me!

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(10:43 PM)

     "So...erm...this is..."

     "Awkward?" Kyle looked at his skeletal friend. "Same."

     It was all spooky and interesting when Dan had transformed into a walking and talking half-skeleton, but after a while, the fun and games died out, and the band was back on the floor, in their little sitting circle, unsure of what the do. Will was fascinated by the strange occurrence, how Dan's skin fused into bone at the centre. Woody was paranoid of the empty and dark socket that laid across from the singer's eye, praying that no worm or dark demon would pop out from the hole. Kyle was just happy that he wasn't the only night creature anymore, and he found Dan's strange appearance to be slightly unsettling, but manly and cool at the same time.

"Where's the Ouija board?" Dan suddenly brought up over the tune of St. Vincent's voice.

"I-I don't know..." Will nervously stared down as everyone's gaze pointed at him. "I think it disappeared after I got possessed."

"Just great," the singer buried his face in his hands, flinching his head up when his bony finger accidentally went into his eye socket. What did I even flinch for? That didn't even hurt!

     "Ew!" Woody playfully slapped Dan, noticing the singer's slip of his finger. "I'm gonna go look for the Ouija board!" He declared and stood up with pride.

     "And I'm coming with you!" Kyle laughed. "Gotta protect you from being possessed or getting burned and that shit."

     "I'll be fine!" Woody shook his head and declined. "It's just a board game, what harm can it do to me?"

Dan, Kyle, and Will looked up, slightly worried, then exchanging bitterly hesitant glances. Should they let him risk it and go find the Ouija board alone? The drummer was at the highest risk now, him and Kyle being be only ones who haven't been possessed, but mostly the fact that he was the remaining band member who wasn't burned nor transformed. But being the toughest one, Woody simply shrugged it off and told the others he'd be right back, walking off to the bathroom area, seemingly one of the most active areas of the haunted residence.

He was unfazed by the rotting odour, nor by the blood red scratched and spray painted words that could have easily threatened someone else, like Kyle. He continued down the hall and turned the corner, one hand tightly gripping his green light, the other ready to lash out in self defence. Although, the Plymouth player wasn't very concerned if there was anything lurking around him, plus the sound of Rationale music filled his head and calmed his nerves as he slowly and steadily strolled down the dark and narrow hall. Everywhere his light shined, he expected some orb or foggy mist to flash before him, but nothing, not anything.

     Huh? Is that...

     The green illuminated the planchette that laid patiently, perhaps...too patiently.  The eerie thing was that the board laid perfect aligned with the wall, literally perfect. And the plastic white piece pointed at the moon symbol on the board, the symbol for bad spirits. Not good...Woody's nerves heightened with fearful adrenaline. Nevertheless, he swallowed and walked closer to the board, looking up, behind, and in front of him to assure his mind that nothing was there to do any harm. He leaned down and picked up the dull edged triangular piece, then feeling an extremely forceful tug drag him right up to the board.

     He just felt an unsettled feeling in the pit of his stomach as the force screeched to a slow halt. Should I play? He contemplated, gazing at the planchette for one second, then the board the next. Woody wanted to walk away, go back to his band mates for safe haven, but something adventurous inside told him to stay and use the board, so, carefully, he kneeled, gently letting the moldy wood make contact with his bare legs. The planchette was slowly eased upon the centre of the Ouija board, but before Woody could start, terror raised over him as the plastic piece began to swirl in figure eights.

     Then it began to spell. The drummer wanted to scream, but nothing came out of his mouth whenever he opened it to cry for help. The demon had muted him.


     "W-what?" Woody whispered with fearful eyes.


     He looked down, and his jaw dropped wide open when he spotted the wood underneath, on the verge of collapsing. That's when he lost it, but the force held him down as he crashed into the floor, hitting the house's decaying foundation. That's when he felt it. And that's when he was finally able to scream.

     "HELP ME!"

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