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Rosie's POV

After he tried to persuade me to have a shower with him but failed, I undressed and stepped into the shower.

The warm and soothing water hits my body.

Unfortunately all my shampoo and conditioner was in my room so I had to just go without.

Stepping out of the shower, I snatched a towel from the rack and wrapped it around me like a soft cocoon.

Looking around the bathroom for my clothes I notice they are soaking wet.

How? I ask myself.

Sighing, I pick them up and place them on the radiator.

I'll just stay in here until they're dry.

But Harry has seen me with only a bra and underwear on so surely just a towel will be fine?

Turning the lock, I stared down at the white towel around me. It reached down to my knees but I still felt naked.

I opened the bathroom door and saw Harry spread out across the sofa, his phone in hand.

His eyes avert to me and his eyes widen.

"That's an interesting thing to wear whilst roaming about in London." He laughed, smirking.

"My clothes are soaked." I beefed.

"Aw, you can borrow some of mine if you like. You'd look fit in my jeans."

"We can have matching shirts and everything." I said sarcastically, making my way over to his wardrobe.

"I actually have another one of these shirts."

"Nice to know."

Opening the wardrobe, I examined each item of clothing and tried to picture how I'd look in it.. Probably like a boy. I picked out the plain white t-shirt that Harry was also wearing and some of his jeans which I probably wouldn't fit in. "Your legs are definitely skinnier than mine, how the hell am I supposed to fit into these?"

"Squeeze." He chuckled.

I headed back into the bathroom and changed.

The skinny jeans actually fitted okay but it was difficult to actually get them on.

Looking like a tomboy, I tried to do anything to make my hair dry fast: waving it about, using the towel and even breathing on it.

I was a little weird.

Then I thought of another issue, not being able to brush my teeth.

That's when I remembered I had some mint gum in my jean pocket.

Yes! Luck was on my side.

Popping the gum in my mouth, I took another look on the mirror.

Luckily I didn't bother with make-up like most girls in university, I believed in being natural and not fake.

I've always had self esteem issues but when I'm most humble I never think that make-up will help.

Attempting to detangle my hair with my fingers, I winced as every time I tried it would pull at my hair.

It was untamable and knotty.

Giving up, I exited the bathroom and sat down next to Harry.

"We are twins, again." He said, his cute grin filling his face.

"Let's hope we don't get attacked."

And by attack I mean bombarded with cameras.

Tying up the laces of my converse, I glanced up at Harry who was on his phone. "Are you glued to that?"

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