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Harry's POV

Too exhausted to even get up, I dozed off.

- The Next Morning -

Someone was shaking me.

"What." I groaned.

"Get up!" Someone yelled at me.

Only after thinking about who's voice it was, did I realised it was Rosie.

She wasn't even hungover, she seemed completely normal.

My eyes flickered open and Rosie stood before me dressed in pyjamas. "Finally! You need to get ready."

Stretching, I followed her order and went to find Felicity.

Upon arrival at her office, I noticed she had my suitcase beside her desk.

"Oh Harry, have a seat." She ushered me to a small chair opposite her.

"Hi." I greeted her uncertainly, not really knowing what to say.

"One of your bodyguards brought in your suitcase and your room is also sorted."

She observed carefully me over her glasses that I didn't know she wore.

"So you wear glasses?" I asked awkwardly, gazing around the room to try and avoid eye contact.

Her stare made me feel slightly unsettled.

"Yes, for reading purposes only." Felicity fluttered her eyes and got up from her seat."Here is your key, your room number is on it but I'm sure Rosie can help-"

"Er we don't exactly see eye to eye." I interjected.

"Oh well we will have to sort that. She's a lovely girl really."

A bit baffled, I departed her office, dragging my suitcase behind.

Maybe university wasn't that great.

Once I arrived outside Rosie's room I knocked lightly.

"Sam have you actually forgotten your key again!" I heard Rosie moan.

The door swung open and Rosie appeared in front of it, dressed in only her bra and underwear."Oh it's you."

She looked as good without clothes than she did with. "Turn around."

Turning round, I caught a glimpse of one more time.

"Perv." She muttered under her breath.

I wanted to laugh at her remark."So what do you want?"

"Felicity said you could help me find my room."

"Did she now." She said disapprovingly."Okay you can turn around. I'm pretty sure I am much more amazing than the door."

"Yes." I mumbled, hoping she didn't hear but by her facial expression I think she did.

There was a smirk on her face.

Dressed in skinny jeans and a baseball jersey jacket, she took my key and squinted her eyes to see the writing etched on it.

"128 that is opposite me and Sam...Yay!" She said sarcastically.

My stomach done a little flip.

I needed to stop feeling like this about someone who I couldn't have."Have fun."

She pushed me out of the door.

Looking ahead of me, I noticed a door ahead of me with the numbers 128 on it.

Unlocking the door, I swung it open to see a room that looked identical to Rosie's and Sam's but without all their stuff.

Sighing, I shut the door and began to unpack.

I felt quite alone without a roommate.

As soon as I had finished unpacking, there was a knock at the door.

I opened the door and saw Rosie and Sam.

Thankful to see them, I ushered them in.

"Oh we don't want to come in. Felicity ordered us to give you a 'tour'." Sam explained.

"I really appreciate it." I said.

Rosie rolled her eyes as I collected my phone and slipped it in my jean pocket.

Following them down many corridors as they explained what is what and where everything was.

"They have fairly strict rules here. You aren't allowed to be wondering about the colleges late at night and they count how many times you are late to class."

"Which starts in 10 minutes." Rosie pointed out.

"Oh yeah, do you want to grab some breakfast and er here is your timetable - Felicity gave it to me."

"What the.. are you taking every class or something?" Rosie said, scanning through my timetable.

"I asked if I could take a bit of everything."

"Special pardons for celebrities." Rosie murmured.

They took me to grab some breakfast and Rosie said I could walk with her to History since we had it at the same place. "How long are you staying here?" She asked.

"One year."

"If your not getting a degree, why did you come?"

"I just wanted to get additional education."

"Right.. So how's fame? Should we expecting paparazzi to be bombarding the classrooms anytime soon?"

"I hope not and fame is okay, I guess."

"I wouldn't advise you going outside, they certainly know your here."

"So how long have you and Jake been going out for?"

"We aren't going out. I don't know if he thinks we are but we aren't. He is just a bit er annoying."

Surprised at how good our conversation was flowing, I said "oh I just thought-"

"It's fine, I don't know why he was doing those things either."

My mood was had changed substantially, from worried and bored to exultant because I had found out Rosie was single.

I thought that we could actually become friends.

"Er what's the most craziest thing that you have ever done?" She asked curiously.

Well there was many so it was difficult to pick.

"I ran through a tube station with only my boxers on."

By her chortling I assumed it was quite crazy.

"My life is boring so not really anything."

"You done that stuff on my phone, messaging Taylor Swift..she replied."

"What did she say?"

"Fuck off."


I opened the door for her and let her go first.

As soon as I stepped in girls ran over to me and I lost Rosie in the crowd.

"HARRY!" Girls kept squealing.

I came here to have a bit of normality in my life.

That isn't going to happen.

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