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Arriving back at the castle grounds Steve was immediately met by Alexander and his father, both ready to hear of the attack. The attack was something so sudden, and yet with Steve's leadership they were able to defeat them with the least number of casualties possible.

"How many were they?" Pierce asked.

"Four dozens at most," Steve stated as he placed his sword at the table. Both Joseph and Alexander creased their brows at this, this was such a low amount of soldiers considering their previous attacks.

"That's far too low," Joseph stated pacing back and forth like he always does during battle plans, "What are they doing?"

"I say they're testing the waters or they might be luring us out for something else," Steve considered for a moment,"has there been any odd events while we're gone?"

"There was a minor break in," a man clad in uniform informed from the back of the room,"Someone broke in Princess Natasha's chambers-"

Everybody's eyes snapped up to look at the man immediately,"And you're only telling me this now?"
Steve asked annoyed, before he could stomp off the room to check on Natasha, James entered and stopped Steve before he could leave.

"She's fine, she wasn't there at the time," he assured and with that words coming out his mouth, Steve eased up a little bit and took his place back in front of the table between his father and Alexander, "Intruder got in from the window, he's long gone before we could track him. I moved her to a chamber on the upper floor," James stated and Steve nodded with a sigh of relief.

"Then this might be the plan of attack, get as many soldiers out the castle, leave Natasha unguarded," Steve continued as he plot a line across the points he collected from the discussion, "this was an attempt to harm the princess," he stated with a serious look on his face.

With that Joseph heaved a sigh borne of stress,"If any of this is heard by King Andrei we might be in grave danger. We can not afford to have the princess harmed," James shuffled his weight between his feet,"they would not hesitate to restore the war if ever she is harmed in our court, and you all know Russgardian soldiers, we won't win over them this time. Find those who know of this and make sure they stay quite, do whatever it takes."

Soon the three men dispersed and were on to separate ways. James was close behind Steve, it was only when Steve's path led clearly to Natasha's chamber did James try and stop him, "Why don't you rest, Steve? You look worn out," he stated as he quickened his pace to walk beside the prince.

"I must check on Natasha, make sure she's alright."

"Oh, she's alright, she's bathing and getting ready for bed. She told me that she needed some time alone, I think we both should respect that don't you think?" James tried his best, Steve raised an eyebrow at this but yielded anyways, changing course to his chambers before waving his friend good night.

James walked back to Natasha's new chamber on the upper floor with slightly heavier steps, and he felt like more weight was pressing down on him. He knew it was a bad idea to let her go and now she's wounded, blood still seeping from the piece of cloth that Bruce had wrapped over her torso and what's worse, she's supposed to make a public appearance tomorrow. Shit, he muttered to himself. Torn between siding with Natasha and spare him from Steve's possible wrath or telling Steve the truth before he finds out? He knew he should've locked her door and kept her inside, protect her, Steve had told him and yet he led her to the heart of danger itself, but those eyes, those tantalizing eyes of hers. That bravery, as she put on an armor and head on to the battlefield without batting an eye, saving Steve without thinking twice. He couldn't resist her, he just had to give in.

That was when he realized, this fatal attraction of his.

He wasn't supposed to feel this no, it was wrong in so many ways. You feel what you feel, there's no stop lever to it.

He sat beside her unconscious form, wishing she would be alright and oh how so badly he wanted to take her hands and warm it up with his. It's not your place, he reminded himself as he sighed. He would stay here all night, stay awake all night, just to make sure she is safe. He failed once, he wouldn't fail a second time.

Some time in the night, her eyes fluttered open to find James, fast asleep in an upright position beside her. She moved her body to find a more comfortable position for her aching joints but when she did, a strike of pain shot through her abdomen she had to clutch it tight to brace for the pain. Her muffled wince caught James attention as his eyes shot open,"Natasha, are you alright?" he asked hastily as he stood up and anxiously tries to find anything wrong with her.

"Those men," she said through slightly gritted teeth,"HYDRA, they've attacked my home too," she stated as he helped her get in an upright position,"What do they want from you?"


"They're rogue rebels just looking for a chaos around here. It's not something you need to worry about," he replied in an attempt to curve her attention away from it. Unfortunately fails, though.

"HYDRA is no rogue rebels, they do things for a cause, their cause," she replied back, not happy with James' previous reply.

He sighed, "We'll talk about this tomorrow, I promise. Right now, I believe you need to rest Princess, you have a big appearance tomorrow," he said so lightly as he fluffed her pillows so she could take a good rest.

"You'll rest too," she commands,"You're uncharacteristically very anxious at the moment, what's in your head, James?" she asked worriedly, able to comprehend the strange crooks and creases in his face that moment, as if he's thinking hard but he's pretending not to.

"I'll be fine, James," she added, and it seems crazy that she knew the words that would set him at ease, "This wasn't your fault."

"Alright, then. Sleep tight, Your Highness," he said, not forgetting to give her hand a little caress, a little gesture that tells her he'd be there for her, a gesture that says please be fine, because right now he didn't know what's worse, being the receiving end of Steve's wrath for putting her in such danger or being the receiving end of pain if Natasha did not get better.

Please be alright.


HOLAAA! How's the update? Sorry for the long wait :(

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