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STEVE woke up startled when he opens his eyes to find Natasha at the foot of his bed, a dim-lit candle brought close to her face as she motioned him to stay calm, it's me.

"Natasha, you should really stop sneaking up on me," Steve groaned as he sat up on his bed, eyes squinting at the window to expect any form of light filtering through the draping curtains, only to find it pitch-black outside.

"Get up old man," she said as she tossed his suit at him.

"The sun's barely up yet, Nat," Steve softly said, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands.

"That's why we're going, you're going to accompany me ride. Like you said, Midgardian sunrise is the best," she said with a smile on her lips. Since Sharon left the castle about a week ago, Natasha was indeed brighter than ever with every time she spent with Steve.

Seeing her smile, all the tiredness and the thirst for more sleep vanished just like that and soon he was up and dragging Natasha down the castle halls, their fingers intertwined in each other's.

They rode separately far into woods and towards the hills, and when Natasha turned her horse around to face him on the edge of an uplifted ground, the sun had started to rise behind her. A golden halo around her face - bed tousled red curls that flowed freely down her shoulders, plump lips that part slightly with every brush of cold wind, lashes that curl beautifully to reveal a sea of emerald green. He could stare at her all day and never got bored.

She got down and tugged her cloak closer to her as she stared at the horizon, waiting for the kingdom below them unveil itself with the golden gleam of sunlight. He followed suit and hugged her from behind, not forgetting to peck her on her cheeks that blushed pink.

He knew then he was the luckiest man alive.

Steve was full of surprises lately, bringing her a rose a day, told her how they reminded him of her. Coming down to all meals hand in hand, sketching her once or twice over the past week. One fine night, he even gave her a necklace with an emerald orb, told her how they reminded him of her eyes.

"Stop staring," she said annoyed when he wouldn't stop staring at her during dinner.

"I can stare at your eyes all day, Nat," he replied sweetly.

She chuckled, "Steve Rogers and his sweet words. You could conquer the world with your words if you tried."

"I've conquered your heart, haven't I? That is my world," he answered seriously and she couldn't contain the wide big smile from him.

That's when he pulled out a chain from a pocket of his jacket and put it around her neck in front of the whole court, "and more gifts to come," he whispered.

She could see James shift uncomfortably in his seat in the corner of the eye, and the King smirking to himself.

Natasha wanted to return Steve all the favor of his affection, she wanted to show she cared too. With help from Wanda, she had arranged  for a picnic by the gardens. Just a small occasion, with just the two of them. She decided she wanted to pick up some baked goods from the village, with the reference of the castle chef who told her they had run out of materials for the day and would only be ready to bake tomorrow when supplies arrive.

Off to the village she went, under the watchful eye of Wanda and a couple castle guards, she walked by the narrow streets. She left her tiara behind, she found it easier in dealing with the public when they had zero idea of who she was.

Wanda, who has roamed around this village a few times before, took the lead in front of Natasha. As they turned a corner, Wanda abruptly stopped and with a panicked look on her face stuttered rapidly at Natasha,"Maybe it's best if you wait here and I go to the bakery, I'll be back real quick."

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