Chapter 2: First day

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A/N: I love comments so please tell me if you like it! tell your friends.! haha enjoy my liltle chickadees!

Chapter  2:

      Val came over first thing this morning and brought me our uniforms that had just arrived in the mail. at first i wasn't that extatic but once i tried it on and it hit all the right curves i was sure this was gonna be a great job! "so, Val when is the first day?" i looked at her and she had a look on her face that only i would understand. The next thing i knew i was rushing around my room looking for clothes, my suitcase, and any allowence i had left around. "sorry." she said as my dad took us to the airport. "it's fine just can you help me zip this up." i had to finish packing in the care thanks to my so callled 'genius friend' i swear sometimes she can be a true blonde. she sat on the suitcase as i attempted to zip it up, i fell backwards and hit my head on the window when it finally closed. great now i'm sure i look like a mess. "bye, be safe" my dad calls from the car window "and don't forget to call when you land" now he's just frustrauted at the doorsmen who's yeling at him to move.

        20 minutes later we arrive at the check-in desk. "name?" the lady with the weird dangly nose ring asks. "Smith, Kathryn" i say almost a liltle too fast. I almost forgot Val was next to me until she said "Mcphee, Valerie" oh looks like you two will be working together y'all will both be attending flight 63. She hands us are special bags and nametags and we both walk away grinning as we strut our new flight attendent looks down the long narrow path to the plane. "you can thank me for that later!" Val says grinning. "for what?" "i got us on the same schuduel so that way we dont have to be seperated plus it's safer" i dont say anything back but secretly im thanking god she did that because i do not want to be on a plane with a bunch of creepers looking this good. we put our stiff in the back room and went to the cocpit were we are supposed to check in before each flight. There is one other attendent with blonde hair and is obviously a lot older than us. next to her were three smoking hot guys! im guessing the brunett with the light eyes is the captian because he's in a different color uniform. he speaks first "Hey, im sawyer nice to meet you" "Kat, you too!" he holds out his hand and i happily shake it. he introduces the other two, the navigators name was Ryan and the co-pilots name was Adam. It was obvious that Val had had a thing for the co-pilot with short blonde hair and deep blue eyes. i dont know why but she always seems to fall for that combination. i kinda jumped out of my skin when val leaned in and wisphered "He is sooo hot" she was ovbiously talking about Adam but persoally i found sawyer way better looking.

        The blonde in the conner looks like a total slut. she has her hair in a messy bun that looks like she just had a play date with Ryan who has been totally fanticizing about her for the past 5 minutes. snapping me back to realitty Val wisphers "talk about fake!" as the blonde gives us a total bitchy look she walks over to the boys and leans over Ryans shoulder and says something that obviously had something to do with because he blushes and bites his bottom lip like he was hiding something. she walked right through us bumbing Val almost to her knees, but Adam caught her from falling to her face "thanks" she flirts with Adam but not before making a not needed remark to mrs.Fake "fake isn't a good color on you" she sneers as she skips past her avoiding the glares.

         "sorry 'bout her boys," but i can see Adam doesnt care because he's still watching her skip away like a drunk school girl. Ryan and Adam take there seat in the cockpit and leave me and Sawyer. "it's fine Amber is quite a character as well!" he says half chuckling. i laugh along with him but it sounded really fake hope he didnt catch that. "well i better get going, see ya later" ughh why did i say that duh im gonna see him later oh well. aww crap they already started boarding i was supposed to be greeting the passangers on the way in! i try to speed walk but felt silly and just walked regular. i probably should have just kept speed walking because when i passed the bathroom the door swung open and hit me in the face knocking me into the seat across the esle. "OH MY GOD,  i'm so sorry!" a voice says but im still having trouble seeing so i cant make out who it is but the british accent tells that he is obviously not from here but i guess we are going to london so wouldnt suprise me. "Im fine" i say still holding my hand to my head. "are you sure you are ok love?" did this stranger just call me love, i swear the things british people say. "yeah, i'm ok just take your seat and enjoy the flight" i try to sound as pleasent as possible.

        Walking away i start to get my vision back and turn around to see a man about 5'10" from my judgement walking in the other direction. he had dark curly hair and tan skin. now i kinda wish i had saw the front of him. i guess i will see him sometime in the next 7 hours. i already missed alll the people come in through the door and we can't start walking on board till the plane is in the air so i walk in the back room to find Amber and Val sitting on oppistite sides of the room i sit next to Val and see she is reading a one direction magazine. Thinking of them reminds me of home with all of my posters of the gourgeus Harry Styles. I heard they were in Charelston all week but they were leaving today to go back to london.

       Wait a sec....                                                      

this plane was heading to London! and i just ran into a tall, tan, man with dark curly locks and a british accent! i sit there starring into space until Val waves her hand in my face... "hello earth to Kat" she says but i cant talk. i manage to sqeak out " i think... i think ... i just saw Harry styles."

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