Chapter 1: an escape

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          A/N: Hey this is my first Wattpad story! eeeppp hope you like it ! anyway im going to try to update as much as possible.  ok this chapter is REALLY short but dont worry they get longer. P.S really sorry about any spelling mistakes i think im like the worst speller ever!

Chapter 1:

   When i woke up i was on the floor...again and Val was asleep in MY bed! i went into the bathroom brushed through my messy brown wavy hair and opped into the shower "cuz you've got that one thing!" i can hear Val immitading my singing from in here wich means she was up. I get out throw on some hot pink sofies and a soccer jersery. Turning on the radio i put my hair up into it's signature look a loose pony tail and with one sqeeze im done. Val was in the shower now, so i decide to check my email and see if anyone emailed back about jobs, nothing. School's out so i have pretty much nothing to do at home and i kinda need to find a job so i dont have to rely on my parents for everything. I walk downstairs only to find my parents in there usual morning spots and my brother eating cerial like its going out of style. I pour myself a bowl of frosted flakes and under my breath mumble "it's g-r-r-r-eat!" before i can even take a bite i hear Val squeal from upstairs. Supposing it's nothing i go back to my cearial but then she does it again so i quickly make my way up the stairs to find her laying on her stomach facing the computer screen. "oh Kat good you are here. Guess who just got us the best job in the world!!!" I find myself jumping up and down when she tells me what it is. "they're shipping us the uniform tomorrow, so make sure your ready to go!" she sequals as she runs across the street. 

"Ready for what?"  that fimilliar voice makes my back tingle i turn around only to have two pairs of eyes staring down at me and one staring up. i notice the voice came from my dad, "um... i got a job." i said a liltle unsure of how they would take it. "really, thats so great!" my mom squeals as she embraces me in a gigantic hug. "does this mean i can have her room?" i glare at my liltle brother he catches on knowing that was a stupid remark. They lead me into the kitchen and we all sit down to my moms special "Maggie's suprise" or in other words pretend to drop it and let the dog eat it but even he turns his nose to it. "anyway when do you start?" my dad ask he kinda caught me off gaurd with that one because i didnt know much about it until val told me this morning. "urr... im not sure." this makes me wonder when do i start?

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