Chapter 6: Silence

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A/N:  ok this chapter is long! and remember that juice i was telling you about, ok here it is hope u like it.

Chapter 6: 

               I flutter my eyes open and find Harry holding my hand. He is the only one left in the room it is just us I don’t know why, even though we are dating, but I don’t understand why we are because he obviously doesn’t like me because of my looks, and I don’t have any talents or anything. I mean I’m not complaining he is gorgeous and talented and sweet and funny, I mean come on he is extrodiHARRY. I’m going to ask him it will be awkward, but I just have a slight curiosity I want to know what he sees in me. I am not fully awake I can barely see ten feet away from me. I honestly don’t even know where I’m at or what day it is. Harry looks so cute while he’s sleeping I turn to face him pulling my whole body towards him. But as I turn my head I get a really bad pain just behind my ear. Not even knowing it my hands jerk to that spot pulling my hand away from Harry’s. He sits him up right away. “Are you ok? What’s wrong?” even though my head is throbbing I can’t help smile but his voice is so sexy when he wakes up. “My head hurts badly!” I say. “Well duh you just came out of surgery.” He says still trying to wake up. “Oh that was today” I say dumbfounded.  “Yeah you were still sleeping when they came to take you to surgery so they just didn’t wake you up.” He says with a slight smile “anyway as soon as your pain goes away we can leave and go home” he continues. “Home?” I ask not remembering exactly were that is. “Yeah to my place.” He says. Ok now I remember and kind of feel like my grandma not being able to remember anything from the day before. “What about Louis?” I ask remembering the clown. “Um that’s up to you he said he would be happy to stay with Niall.” Harry replies.  “No he’s fine staying with us.” I say actually glad he will be staying with us. “Umm. Can we leave; I mean that’s if you’re feeling better.” Harry asks. “I will feel better if you sing to me.”I say putting on the puppy dog eyes. He rolled his eyes, kissed me on the cheek, and walked out. I take a look around the room now that my vision is somewhat ok. It looks like a normal hospital room. Nothing extravagant I took a look at my arm only to find it had a bright orange cast on it, when did that happen Harry probably had them put it on why I was asleep. I have to say I give him credit for the color I wonder how he knew my favorite color is orange of coarse this is way to bright I’m more of a sunset orange. I turn it over to find a long letter, or should I say song. Harry had written the lyrics to a song on my arm. OMG free falling that’s the song he choose that is my song I love that song! Ahhh how sweet even though I know Val had something to do with it. At the end of his ‘letter’ is the phrase ‘stay pure’ which is ironic because Kathryn means pure. So it really means stay me. I look around the room some more and next to me is a little Kodiak camera. I’m guessing that it’s Harry’s but I pick it up and turn it on. Let’s see pictures, hey wait a minute that is me, and that is me, why on earth does Harry have a bunch of pics of me sleeping on his camera. Just as I set the camera down Harry walks in singing free falling. He is holding two mugs I assume is coffee. He hands me the cup still singing I hold it close to my face feeling the warmth I take a sip and smile not knowing how on earth he knows that I take my coffee with one cream and two sugars. “and I’m free-ee free falling.” he continues. As he finishes his song I wonder how on earth I have come to get such a good man. “Why, thank you my good sir!” I say bowing and imitating his adorable British accent. I decide not to ruin the moment and ask how he knows these things and use the time to appreciate that he gave his time to learn it. After a quick coffee chat, Harry helps me pack up my stuff; well really he did it I just made the bed. “Alright that looks like it’s just about it.” Harry says grinning. “Yep” I reply popping the P.  I really didn’t have much stuff just a string bag with maybe two changes of clothes. I sling my bag over my shoulder and start down the hall with Harry close behind me.  I’m only half way down the hallway when I’m forced to let out a small yelp. Harry has me in a bridal position; he twirls me around making me giggle. “Harry!” I whisper “We are still in a hospital, you dork” I say. “Two things, first why don’t you want me to carry you are you embarrassed of me? And second I AM NOT A DORK!” Harry says.  This only makes me laugh more. “Why on earth would I be embarrassed of you?” I ask smiling widely. We wait for an elevator but when I was expecting him to go in the elevator he stayed. “What are you doing?” I ask. He doesn’t respond. “You coming?” says the man holding the elevator door for us. I look towards Harry “um no we are waiting for someone.” Harry shoots back. The door closes; “who are we waiting for?” I ask curious. “Louis” he says looking towards the stairs. “But we need to get in our own elevator” he adds. By the look on his face I don’t question anything. There was an awkward silence, only broken by the burst of the stair doors. Suddenly Louis is standing next to us; “I did it” he says gasping for breath. “Ok good” Harry responds. The elevator door opens; and Harry rushes us in Louis right behind us.  Harry sets me down; “ok here’s the plan,” he says. “I’m not supposed to take you out for like another week but that just isn’t gonna happen, so we are sneaking you out.” He spits out taking a gasp. He hits a few more floors so we have more time. “Anyway Louis has called the paparazzi so that will distract the nurse and she wont notice that you are gone until later.” Harry says with an evil grin looking towards Louis. God that smile and accent are just to die for. “Wait you kidnapped me!!!!” I say waking up from Harry’s deep green pools of eyes. “Yep” Louis says popping the P giving me an odd sense of de-ja-vu. Harry hits floor 1 on the elevator; Harry and Louis stand on either side of me ready to push some paparazzi just as the door starts Harry yells “RUN!” suddenly  we are swarmed by people asking questions and flashing lights. We sprint towards the door I zoom past Harry and Louis. They probably weren’t expecting that; although it may not seem like a big deal but having a cast on ways my body down making it hard to run. It probably isn’t the best to be running around with a broken rib but I can barely feel it with all the drugs I have in me. I kinda blended in with everyone so they didn’t pay much attention to me. Unfortunately Harry and Louis were only like 20 feet away from the elevator. I could just see them push through when I stepped outside. I can hear Louis now “hey please stop with the pictures, if your gonna get some snaps of me at least get my good side!” I can’t help but laugh.  After about fifteen minutes of waiting Harry and Louis barge through the door with about 20 cameras following them.  Harry grabs my arm and drags me to the car. Of coarse Louis parks at the end of the long parking lot; about half way through the parking lot I double over in pain coming from my side. Harry still running notices I cant go on and sweeps me off my feet and continues towards the car. Finally we are almost to the car I have had my eyes closed up until now trying to block out the pain and lights. When we finally make it to the car Louis sprints to the other side and Harry tries to open the door but the is locked. “Louis open the door!” Harry screams making his chest vibrate.  “I can’t find my keys!” Louis screams back. Great now I’m in pain the paparazzi is after us and we can’t even go home. “Harrrrreh!” I moan “in my bag” I squeak out. Harry stares into my eyes and sets me on the hood of the car. I watch him dig through my bag then I see him pull out none only but his own keys. “Oh thank god!” he mumbles. He leans over me kisses me quickly and picks me up again this time putting me on is back.  We rush over to Harry’s car about 5 cars the other way. In other words towards the paparazzi; Sooner than I you could say elephant we were swarmed by cameras and with cameras comes questions. I clutch onto Harry tighter and he understands it’s freaking me out. “HEY WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP!!!! IT IS KINDA IMPORTANT WE HAVE TO GO!!!!!” Harry screams it was sort of like he released his inner anger, scaring away the paps. Harry stomps to the car setting me down in the back seat sliding in after me handing the keys to Louis. Feeling dizzy I lie down and put my head in Harry’s lap; He plays with my hair twirling it between his fingers.  As I fall asleep I feel a pair of warm lips press against my temple this was just enough to put me to sleep.  

I might have been asleep for five minutes before I jerk forward relying solely on Harry’s strong arms to protect me. I blink towardsthe drivers seat finding Louis gripping the wheel staring blankly ahead.  i was about to ask him what had happened but Harry beats me to it almost reading my mind. "Lou, uh are you ok?" my eyes flicker to Harry then back to Louis. Louis glances in the mirror so we can see his eyes and i can almost see who much he is disappointed in himself. He lays his head on his arm leaning over the steering wheel taking a moment to collect himself before picking up his phone and dialing the police. "Hello, yes i would like to report an accident."


 Leaving Louis an Harry to speak with the officers and call the others i walk around the front of the car. The front of the car was sashed all the way in it looked almost inside out. apperently we were all lucky that we even survived with this type of crash it totaled the car leaving the other flipped on its side. Im not sure exactly what had happened causing the accident but as i stand there in the cold, looking at the other car i cant help but tear up. I close my eyes recalling why the car position bothered me so much. The car was flipped on its side just as my grandpa's was a few years ago he had a sudden 'headache' and ran into a parked car. somehow he managed to flip his car leaving it totalled after that he had trouble seeing and we finally took him to the doctor only to hear "I'm sorry but ou have stage 4 brain cancer" i can still remember the look on my dads face as we got the call. I open my eyes letting a tear fall, and another, and another until im crouched down in the middle of the road balling.

 i glance over at the car that Louis, Harry, and i were just in. It looks unreal like not even possible that we survived let alone without a single scratch. Harry's deep voice fills my ears "Thanks again officer." i hear him yell over his shoulder. As i hear his feet walking towards me i attempt to wipe away the tears, but it's no use. expecting him to pull me up and explain why i was crying i hold out my hands, it's not long before i feel his wrap around my cold fingers but instead of him pulling me up he uses me to help him down. I watch  him take a seat a few steps away and place his hands on his knees looking off into the distance, his curls flopping from side to side. I countine to stare waiting him do something but he never does. Its not until i see a small stream of tears running down his cheeks is when i scoot over placing my head on his shoulder as we sat in silence.

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