Chapter |1|

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Your point of view: (4 years later)

My eyes shut slowly as I stood outside, breathing in the fresh air outside of my apartment as rain slowly fell landing on my clothes. Leaning my head back I felt relaxed when water droplets landed on my face.

"And cut." The familiar low gruff voice said coming out from behind a few TV screens that showed live footage of me standing out in the rain. "You did a great job Y/n! You're done for the evening!"

The rain turned off leaving me looking at the 5'9" film director as water dripped from the ends of my hair. "Are you sure?" I asked walking off set and grabbed a towel from one of the assistants named Miranda.

"Yeah, you've been here for what? Nine hours now? Go home and chillax, call over some friends, just enjoy your evening." Mark the director said patting me on the back.

I laughed at his use of words, 'Chillax.'"

"It's what you kids say nowadays isn't it?" His eyes landed on the towel that towel that is now wrapped around my wet hair in an attempt to dry it."

"First off, barely anyone says chillax anymore... We just say chill. Second, you aren't even that old so you should know exactly what we say now." I explained making him laugh as he placed his hands in the back pockets of his dark blue jeans.

"You're right I'm only 29 I should know what you guys say nowadays."

I gave him a toothy smile before turning around and heading towards my dressing room until Mark spoke up once again, "Oh! I forgot, tomorrow you don't need to come back to the set because we are going to be focusing mostly on Adrian's scenes with the guys before you come into the picture. You are welcome to watch but I'm not sure you would find much interest in that."

I chuckled still walking only backwards, "I'll just 'chillax' at home and enjoy my day off. Thanks Mark, call me when you need me to come in to record another scene alright?"

"Yeah, will do Y/L/N." Was the last thing said before I entered my dressing room shutting the door behind me and locking it before I took off my wet clothes I was told to wear in the scene for today.

You're probably confused on what exactly is going on, I am going to explain that to you right now.

As you probably already know, my name is Y/n. I am 20 years old, and I live in Los Angeles California. After my junior year in high-school I tried a ton of new things, I joined drama club and when I started acting I instantly loved it! I played lead role in a ton of plays my senior year. Scouts from colleges came to see some of our plays and I had gotten a scholarship to a college in California which was UCLA.

Taking the scholarship was one of the smartest things I have ever done. I have been in two movies so far and I ended up acting with my favorite actor Johnny Depp, that was all in the first few years of being in college.

At first I thought my professor was joking that they were doing an addition for roles in the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie until I saw flyers all around campus, I automatically went and signed up using my email. I then auditioned for the role of Carina Smyth and I was surprised to even get a call back.

Anyways this is the last year I go to college and then I graduate. You are probably also wondering what has happened between the girls and I, right? Well the girls and I are still close, just not as close as we were before... they are on tour right now because their band has become famous, like really famous.

I am proud of them all because I know this was their dream for a long time and it came true. The girls are actually coming to the state because of the VMA's which is tomorrow, they were nominated for one award which we don't know yet; All I know is that Dinah text me freaking out every day the VMA's got closer.

Once I got my outfit I came in here originally in which was just a hoodie and skinny jeans, I leave the set and take an Uber back to my apartment. I live alone, I didn't pay for a dorm room so I got my own apartment that I can afford.

** ** **

Walking inside my apartment I sighed before setting my bag on my counter, "What now?" I asked myself not sure what I should do until my phone buzzed in my pocket, making me pull it out and look at the caller ID, Dinah.

"Mmm, what up girl?" I said into my phone in a low fuck-boy kind of tone making the Polynesian girl laugh.

"You finna fuck or no?" Dinah questioned sounding kind of like a prostitute which made me smile. I love how we still act like we are in high school with each other.

"No chick," I laughed breaking my act. "Hey DJ."

"Hey baby girl." Before you ask, Dinah and I both call each other cute nicknames like that but we will never date. "So... If I said I was in Los Angeles what would you say?"

"Hold on, what!? You're here in LA right now?!" My heart skipping a beat at the news she just gave me without even saying it. "Dinah!!"

"What? No, I'm not in LA I was totally joking." She lied before I heard Ally in the background saying that she wants to see the walk of fame giving away that they were in fact in California and about twenty minutes away from Los Angeles.

"Ally! Be quiet, what if Y/n heard you?!" Dinah whispered and I heard a few giggles come from the girls.

"I heard her Dinah." I laughed when I heard Dinah groan. "Just tell me where you are so we can hang out."

"I'm gonna come to where you are, the girls wanna come too." She said and I heard Camila squealing in the background, "I can't wait to see my best friend again!" Camila said.

"Woah, back up.. shes my best friend the fuck?" Normani said and I heard them all begin to argue about who is my best friend.

"Okay.. well I just sent you my address and apartment number so I'll see you guys here."

"Okay. Bye Y/n!" Everyone said and I laughed before hanging up.

I'm so glad I get to see them, it has been so long since I have seen them oh my gosh. Guess I better get some snacks out knowing the girls they're probably going to be hungry.

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Hey guys! This is the sequel, I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts💕 I love y'all😝 ~Vanessa

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