Chapter |5|

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I'm sorry it's a short chapter I don't know how to write this one out the next one will be long!

Your point of view:

It's been a few days since we went to the club and it's honestly been amazing. I missed my best friends which are the girls, not to mention Lauren as well I've missed hearing her laugh and being around her in general.

Lauren and I have been really close over the past few days and I'm not sure if it's friendship or if it's our old feelings coming out.

Right now I'm supposed to be meeting Lauren at some restaurant with the girls and like usual I'm late, I didn't even know about the lunch until an hour before this lunch so of course I'm going to be late... I love Dinah and all but she invited me last minute like always.

The restaurant is Bestia, they serve Italian food which I live for. Walking into the restaurant I noticed that this place was pretty packed, after looking around for what seemed for ever my eyes landed on Lauren who sat next to Ally at a booth.

How can one be effortlessly beautiful like Lauren? I don't understand..

"Hi guys, I'm so sorry I'm late." I apologized when I reached the booth that all 5 girls were in, everyone moved down the booth one seat so I could sit down; the booth is round.

"Don't worry about it, you didn't miss anything." Lauren smiled at me patting the seat next to her and I gladly took it getting the a whiff of Lauren's scent. "You look beautiful." She said not taking her eyes off of me which made me blush.

"Thank you, as do you precious." Our eyes locked before I watched Lauren's slowly drift down to my lips, dear god help me.

The sound of Normani clearing her throat brought our attention off of each other and our attention is now on Normani. "So, it's been a while Y/n and we don't get to spend as much time here with you as we would like to because we leave in a few days.." she began.

"That totally killed my mood." Camila mumbled only to get her arm slapped softly by Ally making my lips curl up into a small smile.

"I wasn't done Mila.." Normani rolled her eyes in annoyance by the interruption from the small brown eyed Cuban. "Like I was saying, we are going back on tour and all and we had wanted you to come?"

My eyebrows raised surprised to hear this, all the girls eyes are on me. Turning my head to the right I made eye contact with those beautiful light green eyes that had hope in them, making my mouth suddenly go dry.

"I-Uh..." Stammering I looked down at my lap as I fidgeted with my fingers nervously, I don't know why I am so nervous but what would I even do on tour with the girls even for a few days? Tour isn't a place for me.

Lauren reached her hand over to me and interlocked our fingers making me take a deep breath, what is she doing?

"Please, Y/n? It'll be fun I promise." Lauren begged and I sighed in defeat.

"When do you guys leave?"

"Wednesday." Normani said, I looked around the table at the girls as I thought about it.

This could bring us all closer together again, I'd be going to a new country.. this would be amazing and an adventure.

I began by saying, "I mean.. I'd have to ask my director if I could go and my manager."

"Oh my god are you serious?!" Camila said and the other girls began to cheer but quietly due to the fact that we are in a restaurant and we're supposed to be quiet.

"I will ask okay? I'm not sure if I will be able to but I'd love to come guys."

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