Chapter |8|

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LOOKS LIKE IM WRITING THE NEW LAUREN AND Y/N BOOK YALL!! What's y'alls names??😊 mine is Vanessa but I don't like my name.. ANYWAYS HERES AN UPDATTTTTEEEEEE

Your point of view:

We arrived in Paris a few hours ago and I am sharing a room at the hotel with Dinah which is going to be pretty awesome.

I told Dinah that I wanted to get some air so I'm on a walk just across the street for now, I know I shouldn't be alone because I don't know where I am and I don't speak french but I really needed time alone.

There was a bench that was placed around a small wishing well and I sat down on the bench sighing as I let my hair fall in my face.

How could I have forgotten that Lauren has a boyfriend? God damnit I'm so freaking stupid... I look like a girl who hasn't moved on from her ex.

The feeling of someone sitting next to me made me sit up and look at the person, a very beautiful brunette who had light brown eyes.

"Tu vas bien?" The brunette said but I had only furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm sorry... I uh, I don't speak french."

"Ah, no worries... I speak some English but not very well." She smiles a warm smile at me, "I had said if you were okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm okay I'm just stressed that's all."

Her face had shown interest and concern which made me wonder if all people were this kind here. "Stressed?"

"Stressed is like, having so much on your plate that you feel a lot of pressure on having to get it done or do something about it." I explained facing the young female.

"Stressé, je comprends."

My eyes connected with hers before I spoke up, "What's that mean?"

"Stressed in French, and then I said I understand." She explained which made my mouth in the shape of an 'o' as I nodded in understanding.

"Samantha is my name." She smiled holding out her hand towards me which I gladly shook.

"I'm Y/n, I really like your name I've never met a Samantha before."

"I don't like my name but I like yours. I prefer to be called Sam, or Sammy."

"Well it is nice to meet you." I looked into her brown eyes then across the street only to see Lauren looking directly at the two of us, the girls are with her dressed warm and like they were headed out for a meal.

"Um, I've got to go but maybe I'll see you around while I'm here?"

"Yeah, your number?" She handed me her iPhone which made me smile a little bit before entering my number into her phone.

"It should work when you message me because we both have iPhones and iMessage. I'll see you around." Giving her her phone back as I smiled then walked towards the girls.

"Y/n! What the heck? We were looking for you!" Ally said pulling me into a warm embrace.

"I was straight in front of you... Dinah, why didn't you tell them I was just going on a walk?" My voice frustrated which made Dinah frown.

"I'm really sorry, I forgot, but you're here now!"

Chuckling I said, "Yeah no shit."

When I turned my head I made eye contact with Lauren who looked a little bit upset, I can't help but wonder what her deal is.

"Who was that?" Her tone came off sassy like usual when she sees something she doesn't like.

"No one." I said. "So Ally, where are we going to eat?"

Lauren looked at me in disbelief that I blew her question off but listened to Ally as she spoke. "There was this restaurant that caught our eyes as we were headed to the hotel but it's called La Massara."

"Don't know what that means but I'm hungry as hell." I said and the girls giggled except one, Lauren.

The restaurant turned out to be a 15 minutes walk from our hotel which wasn't so bad, we had gotten to see some pretty interesting things on the way here. Camila kept stopping to look at some things in the shops and Lauren and Normani kept on getting annoyed by it.

"Salut! Combien de personnes?" A man who looked around the age of 40 greeted us wearing a black apron with a pen and notepad in the pockets.

"6 people." Lauren said which surprised all of us because we did not know that Lauren understood french.

"Bien, it'll be about... 5 minutes?"

"That's fine." Lauren said and we sat down on the bench in the waiting area of the restaurant, I felt my phone vibrate so I had pulled it out only to see a message from an unknown number.


Hey it's Samantha aka Sammy😊
[5:43 pm]

Heyyy whats up?
[5:43 pm]

I just got home from the Well I don't live very close to it
[5:45 pm]

Why'd you come out so far??
[5:45 pm]

I like to go out and enjoy the beauty of nature and just walk around and clear my mind
[5:46 pm]

I totally get that I am the same way I like doing that and Paris is beautiful so I get it... also I gotta go but I'll definitely text you when I'm done eating yeah?
[5:47 pm]

Of course 😊
[5:47 pm]


"Y/n.." Lauren said snapping me out of my own little world.

"Huh?" My eyes met hers.

"Come on, we're going to our table now." She said and I nodded my head and followed her.

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