Chapter 5 unforgivable curses

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(This chapter has been edited)

The Gryffindor fourth-years were looking forward to Moody's lessons, so much that they all had arrived early after lunch on Thursday. All queued up outside the classroom pushing each other to get to the front, before the bell had even rand. To everyone's surprise, it was all of the Gryffindors except Hermione. Who came rushing down the corridor just before the bell rang.

"Sorry I've been in the"

"Library" I finished for her. "Where else would you be? Now come on this teacher seems to know what he's doing." I said before walking inside the classroom. Sitting down on a seat towards the back, as everyone had hurried into the classroom to get a seat near the front. Everyone had taken out The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-protection, on their desk and waited.

We knew he was coming as we all heard Mad-eye's distinctive clunking foot coming down from the corridor, echoing throughout the school. He entered the room with a grunt, looking just as strange and frightening as usual. His wooden foot was just visible underneath his robe which had seen better days.

"Right then, you're behind, very behind, with dealing with cures." Said Moody, Who had a good look at us all. "I've only got one year to teach you all." He paused a slight scowl on his face. "The Ministry says that I should teach you counter-curse and leave it at that. I'm not supposed to show you illegal Dark cures. But Professor Dumbledore got a higher opinion of your nerves. He reckons you can cope." He stopped, his eyes landing on Nevill, before quickly switching to someone else." any of you know which curses are most heavily punished by wizarding laws?"

A few people raised their hands, including Hermione who had her hand up straight in the air, and then Ron who only slightly raised his. Moody pointed his finger at Ron. He cleared his throat before speaking, "Er, my dad told me about one of them. Is it the Imperis curse?"Moody smiled a half smiled, "Ah, yes, well done Weasley."

Moody then turned to his desk, there in glasses were three big black spiders. I shifted a bit in my seat, I never did like spiders. Their strange long hair and legs, or the way they sneak around without anyone knowing.

Moody pointed his wand at one of the spiders and muttered under his breath, "Imperio"

The spider leapt in the air and began to swing backwards and forward, like a baby in their mother's arms. The spider then started to stretch its legs out rigidly. Before doing backflips, and all sorts of gymnastics.

Everyone's mouth was closed, their eyes fixed on the spider, no one noticing the bird tapping on the window with its beak.

Moody then jerked his wand, the spider was now tapped dancing on his desk. Some people started to laugh. "Think it's funny do you" he growled "Would you like it if I took complete control? Although it's not the deadliest of cures, it can corse a lot of damage. Death eaters claimed they were under the Imperio cures to get out of the punishment, but how would we sort out the lies?"

Like usual Hermione's hand shot up straight into the air, but this time Neville's hand went up.

"Longbottom is it," Moody asked Nevill nodded, our attention was now on him. Neville wasn't used to it at all, he was a quiet boy who rarely had his hand up in class. Yet he was a nice boy, one of the nicest people in school.

"There's one... the Cruciatus curse," Nevill mumbled looking down at the ground.

"Correct," Moody said nodding and turned back to his desk. "Engorgio." The spider started to swell up and grow to the size of a tarantula.

I slightly leaned back a bit in my chair, but a creak could be heard from Ron moving his chair back.

Moody pointed his wand at the spider and muttered "Crucio."

Suddenly the spider's legs bent, and it started to roll over and twitch horribly. Rocking from side to side. My whole body felt as if I had an ice-freezing shower, if I wasn't awake before, I was now. No noise came from it, if it could it would have been screaming.

"Stop it!" Hermione shrieked. I followed Hermione's eyes, she wasn't talking about the spider, instead, she was talking about Neville who seemed very pale, ready to be sick. Moody stopped pulled his wand back and looked at Hermione.

"Could you give us the last curse?" Moody asked growling slightly.

"Avada Kedavara."She whispered.

"No," I whispered, looking up at the moody fearfulness in my eyes.

"Avada Kedavara!" Moody roared.

A flash of blinding green light came before us. The spider was dead in a flash. Them words echoed in my head.

"Only two people have been known to survive it, and they're sitting in this very room." Both of Moody's eyes were now looking and me and Harry. And I could feel everyone else's eyes looking straight at us.

After the bell went, I walked without saying a word, I was too deep in thought, fazed out. I continued to be quiet until I got to the common room.

"Hope have you done your Divination homework yet," Ron asks.

" oh, no. I was just thinking to make it up." I replied.

"You're brilliant, how come I never thought of making it up? Me and Harry were going to do it now in the common room if you would like to join."

"Ok, I just need to get my stuff first."

I quickly headed, to my dormitory and grabbed my divination book. And came back down to the common room and sat round a table. What Harry and Ron.

"Next Monday I'll develop a cough because of Mars." Ron started.

"Do you think the crazy trembling hag would believe us?"

"Who knows, it worth a shot."

"Next Monday I'll trip over... because of the sunlight of the sun." I began."Then on Tuesday, I'll be surprised, because of the moon, or something like that."

We continued doing this for an hour, which grew steadily more tragic. I'll probably get away with mine, but for the boys, I don't think it will be the same story.

Suddenly crookshanks wandered over to us, and hopped onto a chair nearby. As if he was Hermione scolding us.

The portrait hole opened up, and Hermione climbed into the common room. Who was holding a shed of parchment, and box, and with every step she took it rattled.

She came up to us." Hello, I've just finished."

"So have I," I said while throwing my feathered quill onto the table. With an exhausted sigh.

Hermione then plonked her things on the table, and sat on a chair."You're not going to have a good month are you, Ron?" Hermione giggled ."You seem to be drowning twice. Don't you three think it's a bit obvious."

"Honestly Hermione, she's cracked up in the head." I sniggered.

"Tell me something I don't know."

"Anyway, what's in the boxes," I asked.

She took off the lid and took out some badges, all different colours, but they all had the letters s.p.e.w on them.

"Spew?" Said Harry, picking up some from out of the box.

"Not spew." Said Hermione impatiently ." It stands for the Society Promotion of Elfish Welfare."

"What." I sniggered, "What a load of bull shit."

"Never heard of it." Said, Ron.

"Corse you haven't, I've only just started it." She began.

"How many members do you have," Ron asked.

"Four of you three join."

"Which I am not," I stated.

"Oh come on Hope."

I wasn't going to join Hermione Spew, even if she kept bugging me. She'd probably forget about it soon, and she'd never think of it again.

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