Chapter 17

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I awoke on Christmas Day, with a gloomy stomach. I wasn't looking forward to the ball. I sighed to myself. I never was confident, and dancing is the worst thing. Even the word makes me shiver. 

"Hope Potter"  

I jerked up, there on my bed was Dobby, his big bright orbs staring up at me. "Dobby!"

 "Dobby is only wanting to wish Hope Potter 'Merry Christmas' and bring her a present, Miss! Hope Potter did say Dobby could come and see her sometimes,!" 

"Can Dobby give Hope Potter her present?" he squeaked tentatively.

"Yeah. I've got something for you as well" I lied. 

I pulled my self out of bed and started to rummage around for something. I found an old grey scarf. I couldn't remember the last time I worn it. 

"here Dobby" I said while giving him the scarf.

He squealed with  delight.  

"And here is miss Potter present" He passed me a odd pair of socks with a dragon on them, one black and one white. 

I smiled." Thanks Dobby"  

"Dobby must go now, we is already making Christmas dinner in the kitchens!" said Dobby, and he hurried out of the dormitory, waving good-bye. 

My other presents where much more enjoyable, not that I didn't appreciate them. Me and Hermione exchanged gifts, with Hermione buying me of corse a book, called Quidditch Teams of Britain and Ireland. We got dressed and head down to the common room. 

Where the vibe was full of chattering ans smiling faces. 

We met up with Ron and Harry, and headed down to the great hall. Mine and Credics  eyes meeting for a second , we both smiled and blushed a bit. 

 In the afternoon the snow was untouched except for the deep channels made by the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students on their way up to the castle. Hermione chose to watch me Harry and the Weasleys' snowball fight rather than join in, and at five o'clock said she was going back upstairs to get ready for the ball.

"Hope you better, come up with me" Hermione said. 

"Hermione I don't need three hours!" 

"Yeah but you dawdle a lot, and your end up being late." 

I glared at her."Fine I mumbled". I said my merry Christmass to the boys and followed Hermione up to are dormitory. 

  Time skip Harry's p.o.v 

"Wow, their beautiful." Parvati Patil said in above wisper. 

"Yeah,she is" I muttered while looking at Cho. 

But she wasn't talking about Cho, I turned around. And there was Hermione and Hope. I smiled as I seen them, Hermione was pushing Hope forward, obviously not being Confident."Go on" Hermione wispered to Hope. Who honesty looked beautiful, her hair a bit clamer, and curled at the ends, and from the looks of it was wearing light foundation. Her dress was mostly balck with a bit of cream. And with Hermione she wore a beautiful pastel pink colour dress, that fit her perfectly, and just like Hope was honestly beautiful. 

Hermione shrugged as she walked, of course wearing heels, but knowing hope, she was probably just wearing trainers underneath. 

Krum walked past me and Parvati Patil, I narrowed my eyes. Surely Hopes not going with him, but he took Hermiones hand instead, who smiled. And walked Hermione away. Then Cedric walked past me and Parvati Patil. 

Hopes p.o.v

I ginned as Cedric walked towards me, in his black suit with a white shirt. I glanced over at Harry who looked ar Cedric like 'fucking hurt her and you be the one hurt' I rolled my eyes at him. And took Cedrics hand and walked off with him. 

"You look beautiful." He said while turning dusty pink. 

"Thank you. So do you" I said while going pink as well. 

"Looking forward to it" asked Cedric. 

"Well dancing, meh. But the food, I can't wait" I said honestly. 

Cedric let out a chuckle. 

Then Professor McGonagall's voice called, "Champions over here, please!"

She told us to wait on one side of the doors while everyone else went inside, were the Great Hall were the rest of the students had sat down. Fleur Delacour and Roger Davies stationed themselves nearest the doors,Davies looked so stunned by his good fortune in having Fleur for a partner that he could hardly take his eyes off her.

Once everyone else was settled in the Hall, Professor McGonagall told us to get in line in pairs and to follow her. Me and Cedric linked arms, my heart was beating fast and loud. Everyone in the Great Hall applauded as we walked in, and started walking up toward a large round table at the top of the Hall, where the judges were sitting.

I started around in the great hall with my jaw dropped,the walls of the Hall had all been covered in sparkling silver frost, with hundreds of garlands of mistletoe and ivy crossing the starry black ceiling. The House tables had vanished; instead, there were about a hundred smaller, lantern-lit ones, each seating about a dozen people.

Me and Cedric reached the table, and sat down next to each other, we started to talk as we eat are food. 

But before we knew it, all the food had been consumed, Dumbledore stood up and asked the students to do the same. Then, with a wave of his wand, all the tables zoomed back along the walls leaving the floor clear, and then he conjured a raised platform into existence along the right wall. A set of drums, several guitars, a lute, a cello, and some bagpipes were set upon it.

The Weird Sisters now trooped up onto the stage to wildly enthusiastic applause; they were all extremely hairy and dressed in black robes that had been artfully ripped and torn. They picked up their instruments, suddenly the lanterns on all the other tables had gone out, and that the other champions and their partners were standing up.

Me and Cedric, stood up, hand in hand, and walked on to the dance floor, my heart started to race. We got into a spot, just like the other champions and there partners. I flinched and tensed when Cedric put his hands on my waist. But neather the less we started to dance, I was a bit unsure about it, every ones eyes on me. However before I knew it, mostly everyone had joined us. 

After the first song, I watched as a gloomy looking Harry and his partner sit down, with Ron following behind them. But me and Cedric carryed on dancing not giving a dam in the world. 

Later on I glanced over at Harry and Ron, and Hermione just sitting down next to them. As she talked to Harry Ron keept on giving her glares, then they what looked like was to start arguing, then Hermione jumped to her feet, leaving the hall. 

"Cedric im getting tired, could we stop and get a dink." I asked over the music. 

"Yeah, sure." 

We made are way over to the dinks, finding Hermione and Victor there. 

"Hello" I greeted to Hermione.


"What happened with you and Ron." I asked, while taking a sip out of my dink. 

"Of just him being Ron." I sniggered ar this ." I think he's a bit jealous." 

"Oh, okay. Are your feet killing you yet." 

"Of course they are. You are quite clever of wearing them trainers, underneath." 

"Should we get back it's almost finished." Cedric suggested. 

Once the wired sisters has fisnhed, people started to exit out of the hall.

"Tonight was fun" I admitted.

"Yeah, I was." He said while smiling." Goodnight" 

"Night" I replied, heading off to Griffindor tower.

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