Chapter 6

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Trizwizard Tournament 

The delegation from Beaxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving at 6 o'clock on Friday 30 of October. Lessons will end half an hour early. 

I smiled as soon as I saw this, I hate potions. Well that's half true, I just don't like the teacher snape. He's being picking on me and Harry ever since we stepped foot in this school. 

"Brilliant!" Exclaimed Harry." Its Potions last thing on Friday. Snape won't have time to poison us all." 

Me and Harry exchange a smile at each other, he knew what I was thinking.

"Only a week away." A Hufflepuff student said."I wonder if Credic knows? I'll think I'll go and tell him." She said and hurried off. 

"Cedric?" Said Ron blankly.

"He must be entering the tournament."

"That idiot, Hogwarts champion." 

"He actually not an idiot, he's really nice you know." I said to Ron. " You only hate him because Hufflefuff beat us at Quidditch last year." As much as I love playing Quidditch, and Iam the chaser for the team, i wasn't really angry at them. Hufflefuff dosent get much spot light.

"You only like him because he's handsome." Mumbled Ron. 

"What! I do not, just like someone because there handsome" I snapped at him. 

"Oh come on Hope, we saw you two talking at the Quidditch World Cup." Ron sniggered. 

"So I only speak to handsome people now do I? If I did I wouldn't be speaking to you at all." I giggled, while also blushing a bit. To be honest Cedric was a very handsome boy. 

"Oh shut up" Ron snapped back.

"Oh will you two shut up, or else." Hermione warned. 

"Or else what." I sniggered.

"Or else, I won't help any of you with your homework ever again." She clarified.

"All right we'll shut up." I rushed. 

"Thought so." 

During the lead up to the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrival, the castle seemed to be going through an extra thorough cleaning. The paintings frames glimmered, and not to mention Filch was behaving ferociously to any student who forgot to wipe their shoes. Some teachers seemed oddly tense.

"Longbottom, please kindly do not reveal that you can't even do a simple switching spell in front of any Durmstrang student." McGonagall barked. At the end of a really difficult class.

When Friday morning finally came around, I've never seen the great hall so posh and grand. Silk banners hung from the walls, each of them representing Hogwarts houses. They must of bin done over night.

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