Chapter 4

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Throughout my life I've been woken up on a lot of weird ways and to a lot of different scenarios. I've been woken up by being thrown off my bed, by cold water being sprayed into my face and by all sorts of different animals crawling over my bed. I've woken up on the ground, outside our cabin, in the mines my family worked in, and even in the forest once. However, not ever in my 17 years of life I've been woken up by a hand covering my mouth as I was roughly being pulled out of my bed.

My heart jumped and I tried to fight off the man who grabbed me, but soon enough I was blindfolded and pinned against a wall with my hands on my back.

''Who are you?'' I demanded, breathing heavily. ''Let go of me.''

''Silence, slave.'' The man holding me dismissed me before making me walk. ''Faster.'' He ordered pushing me forward and I clenched my jaw as my body begged me to lay back down and let myself heal from the hits I got last night in the yard.

Since my eyes were covered with a black binder, I did my best to focus on all my other senses but after less than a minute of walking I was already lost. I heard a door open before me and as the man holding me let go of me, someone much stronger took hold of me. He pushed me across the room and I fell into a chair. A rather huge chair, may I add, and judging from the cold, hard surface of it, it was woven from metal.

When no one was holding me anymore I tried to reach to the binding over my eyes, but the second I moved, my hands were pinned down to the chair with something equally as cold going over my wrists, trapping them tightly to the chair. Same happened with my legs as I felt something cold go over my ankles.

"What is this? Let me go! Let me go!" My heart pumped my blood faster as I yelled struggling to free myself.

The first rush of electricity streaming through my body was enough to make me shut up. I sharply inhaled through greeted teeth clenching my jaw as uncomfortable tingles spread through my body like a virus.

I opened my eyes meeting nothing but the darkness of the black binder wrapped around my eyes and I bit on my lip not trusting my voice enough to question my situation out loud.

"29 above average." I heard a voice. "Christian won't like this."

"How is that even possible?" Another voice spoke.

"He's touched the walls of the dome."

"Which shouldn't have any effect unless..."

"Yes, unless."

"Try zinc."

Focused on the encrypted conversation the two men had, I wasn't prepared for the rush of burning pain that invaded my body and I bit on my lip so hard it bled, letting out a whimper rather than giving the guys doing this to me the satisfaction of hearing me scream.


This time the pain was much worse but it didn't last long enough to squeeze out a scream out of me. However, once it faded my body was significantly weaker. I could still feel waves of electricity streaming through my nerves as I gasped for air curling my aching fingers.

"Iron." I heard the cold voice of one of the two men torturing me and not even a second after a scream escaped my throat before I even acknowledged the pain.

This time it lasted, and my scrams just kept coming as throbbing pain penetrated its way through my burning skin. I was shaking and even when the worst faded, the pain was still present. My breathing was shallow and each breath seemed as if I was trying to breathe in a handful of glass dust. My eyes were heavily watering but because of the binder my tears weren't able to spill so it was like my head was trapped in a balloon full of steam.

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