Chapter 8

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A/N: This chapter is like ridiculously long so sorry if I'm boring y'all, but yeah... Also just a casual warning guys, this is where this story becomes fucked up lmao, so proceed but beware I guess.


The Franceschi's throwing feasts their slaves could attend wasn't a frequent thing - or something that at all, really. Slaves were obligated to work every day, all day with no exceptions. So when Chrissy dragged her ass to the yard this morning, telling us we get a day off, it took me like a whole hour to realize she actually wasn't joking.

And here I was a couple hours later sitting in the corner of a huge, glossy, golden-white ball room with Lee and Kellin, watching the fancy folk slowly fill the hall.

An orchestra stood on a stage on the other side of the room playing some smooth music loud enough to kill off the silence if no one was talking, but not loud enough for anyone having to yell over it. A pleasant smell of scented candles flowed through the air mixing with the peaceful sound of violins creating a perfect atmosphere to beginning of what's going to be a long feast.

"Have they ever done this before?" I asked no one in particular.

"No?" Lee shrugged. "At least not since I'm a slave."

"And you?" I looked at Kellin.

He shook his head.

"How long have you even been enslaved?" I asked.

"Six years." He said.

''Wow really? You're not even gonna look at me?'' I threw him a glance. ''Come on, I give you full permission to insult me if you want. I'm literally gonna die of boredom if you too keep being so quiet.''

''And I'm gonna kill myself if you don't shut up.'' Kellin scoffed.

''Okay, we're getting there.'' I turned back to him. ''Is that the best you've got?''

He gave me a glum look and as I was about to say something more, Lee gripped my hand stopping me. ''Leave him, Oli.'' He said. ''This is not the place nor time.''

I shook my head, my eyebrows narrowed, and yet again I was forestalled before speaking. This time by Vic. Kellin quickly stood from the small bar table we were sitting at, his sea blue eyes stirred by a mixture of hope and fear as Vic hurried towards him.

''Are they...'' 

''Yes, workers are aloud.'' Vic cut him off. 

He let out his breath before lowering his gaze to the floor just to raise it a second after. He hesitated before deciding not to say anything. It seemed as if Vic already knew what the raven haired boy wanted to say as he slowly shook his head.

''I'm sorry.'' His voice was surprisingly soft as he spoke. ''I haven't seen them.''

''It's fine, it's not like you could do anything.'' Kellin chuckled sadly. ''I don't know what I was even thinking. If they're still alive, they certainly have better stuff to then attending feasts of the high class.''

''You will see them again.'' Vic said. ''You can't lose hope.''

''Whatever.'' The raven haired boy said sitting back at the bar table.

Vic sat next to him, sending a few more words of encouragement his way, I suppose - I couldn't know, the second my mind processed the key sentence of their little conversation I became numb to my surroundings.

Workers were allowed. 

I turned on my heels, my eyes flying over the mass of people wandering around the ball room. My heartbeat sped up, I couldn't determine whether it was heat or cold spreading through my skin like a spark following a line of dynamite in powder.

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