Chapter 16

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Your POV

The next day, I received a letter from Scorpius.

Dear Mom and Dad,
I was sorted into Slytherin. I hope you are proud of me. I also made a few new friends on the way to Hogwarts. They sure are awesome! School is amazing and I love it! Anyway,I love you both and I'll see you during Christmas break!

I smiled. I'm glad he's having fun at school and that he has made friends. That's all I've ever wanted for him.

I heard Draco get up from bed.

"Morning love." He greeted.

"Morning. Get dressed we need to pick up Scorpius from the station." I informed.

He nods and gets dressed.
We looked around for our son for a few minutes before I heard, "Mum! Dad!"

I turned to the direction of the voice to see Scorpius running towards us.

"Oh my sweet sweet boy! How did your first semester go?" I greeted, hugging him.

"Great! I made new friends, and learned a lot!" Scorpius filled in.

"Good, I'm glad, now let's get going." I said.

We Apparated back to our Manor and Scorpius told everything about his year so far...
"Good night, Scorpius." I told him.

"Night Mum." Scorpius smiled.

I smiled at him and closed the door to his room. I sighed.

"Are you alright love?" Draco asked.

"Yeah, I just felt so lonely without a little kid running around and having fun." I reassured.

He smirked, "Well, we can always fix that..."

I slapped his arm playfully, "I guess we could."

We walked to our room and went to sleep. 😉

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