Part 4: Jack's, Mackenzie's, and Kalani's Testimonies

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Your investigation did not stop at simply getting a timeline from each suspect. You also took the time to get a detailed explanation from each suspect of what had happened the night of the murder from their point of view, making note of the presence of the other suspects in each testimony. In addition, you also took note of the suspects' opinions on each of the other suspects, giving yourself some insight on the potential motive for the murder. To start, you recorded testimonies from the three people who arguably were the closest to the victim on the day of the murder: her boyfriend Jack, her sister Mackenzie, and her friend/party host Kalani.

Suspect #1: Jack Kelly

I'm going to tell you like it is. When I woke up, Maddie was already in the kitchen with Kalani, and we ended up eating some delicious pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon: nothing too fancy. Both Maddie and Kalani were busy for the day, so I spent a good half hour on Instagram, and like always, people were going crazy over pictures of me and my love. By then it was about half past ten, and I gave Kendall a bell. She decided to rug up and take a sickie, and wasn't in the best of shape. I had told Kalani to get her some of those eye-drops to help her out, and I hoped that she would get better. 

After that, I decided to text Chloe. I knew the friendship that Maddie and Chloe had, and I was hoping that it could get back to where it used to be. She was surprised that I was talking to her, but she agreed that she wanted her and Maddie to become friends again. It was purely innocent conversation; so I didn't think that Maddie would mind. But when she looked through my phone, she was totally spewin'; I was scared that she was going to hit me over the head with my mop. I tried to defend myself, but I didn't want to say something that I would regret, so I left. Such a shame that I couldn't continue help Kalani set up any longer, but I didn't want to face her knowing that Maddie would still be mad at me.

In the end, I decided that I should stop mucking around, take responsibility, and understand that Maddie's reaction was natural. During the next few hours I went to a local Target. There were a lot of fans, and I took a lot of pictures; brighten their days. I ended up buying two items, a jacket for my costume, and a dozen roses for Maddie. Y'know, let her know that I do care. When I gave them to her, she seemed so happy. After that, I let her be, and continued to talk to others, mainly that Jojo girl. She's quite the Yobbo, but in a good way, especially with how she vlogs. 

Nothing was really notable until around 6:10, when Chloe arrived. I wasn't expecting her to arrive, and I don't think it was for the best. She may have wanted to make up with Maddie, but Maddie seemed buggered about the whole thing. Being her mate and all, I followed her to our room, where she seemed quite wonky. Millie and I tried to calm her down, but she continued to lay on her bed. When Kalani came around with a fajita and gave her a Shirley Temple, she calmed down, but decided to stay in her room. Knowing better, Kalani left, then I left. I assume Millie talked to her for a bit before leaving her alone.

Past that, Millie seemed a bit nervous. I wouldn't say dodgy, but she seemed concerned for Maddie. I tried to comfort her, telling her that she (Maddie) will be right, and it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Eventually, to help her up herself, I showed her a few funny Youtube videos. I had asked Kalani if I could use her room so there wouldn't be so much noise around us, which she allowed. After fifteen minutes or so, Millie was already better, and she wanted to go back down to the party. Went we left the room, we saw Jojo and Chloe talking outside Maddie's room. Jojo asked me to let her in, but I didn't want to the risk Maddie getting mad at me again, so I told her that she needs alone time, which happened to be what Chloe had told her seconds before whilst holding a plate of food. Afterwards, the four of us went back downstairs. Chloe went with Kendall to the backyard, Jojo went down a hallway, and Millie and I continued talking to others. 

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