Part 6: Brynn's, Millie's, and Chloe's Testimonies

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With that, you've gained even more information over the events of  the party and some insight from about the suspects from each other. However, your job still isn't done: there are still three suspects that you have yet to get a testimony from, all of whom are in a different position with Maddie. You have Brynn, a former co-star of Maddie, you have Millie, a self-described "squad member" with Maddie, and Chloe, an estranged friend of Maddie.


Suspect #7: Brynn Rumfallo

It' crazy that something like this could've ever happened. I'll tell you everything. I spent the entire morning with Mackenzie. We ate breakfast at Toast Bakery, went back to my house to film a Q & A, then went to the Beverly Center to go shopping with Maddie. What was surprising was Maddie's friend Millie showing up out of nowhere and arguing with Maddie over priorities or something. Luckily, Millie left after a little while without any difficulty, and we continued shopping. Around two PM, Maddie and Mackenzie went to Kalani's house to set up for the party, but I went home and looked through all the stuff I bought, Nothing really to note. Eventually, I got dressed in my Thing Two costume and managed to arrive at the party around five PM.

The party itself started off like any other party should. There was a lot of talking and dancing. I talked with Mackenzie mostly, as she was dressed as Thing One; it was planned out. Maddie was talking with Nia and Kalani, I think. Jack eventually showed up and gave Maddie a bunch of roses, which I found really romantic. Kendall showed up soon after, but I never got a chance to talk to her; she always just sat in the living room. Millie also showed up, and I was a bit scared that her and Maddie would restart their argument, but luckily it never happened.

A lot of the girls will probably tell you about Chloe showing up and Maddie running, but I honestly didn't know that she showed up until Mackenzie and I went to go and film musical.lys by the pool. I had the music for my earbuds on full blast. At around 6:30 PM, Mackenzie and I went back inside to get to know all of the guests who attended. I'm pretty sure that as the two of us walked in, Nia, Jack, and Millie were walking upstairs. Mackenzie and I stayed together until about 7:20, when Mackenzie left to check up on Maddie. In the meantime, I went to the downstairs bathroom to take some selfies in private. 

I was in the middle of figuring out which one to post on Twitter when I heard a loud scream coming from upstairs. I knew immediately that it was Mackenzie screaming, and quickly ran upstairs to see if she was alright. When I made it to Maddie's room, I heard crying noises from the balcony, and immediately ran over and looked over the edge. I don't know what made me do it, but I felt some sort of instinct telling me to scream that Maddie was dead. I figured that if everyone knew, it would push everyone to do whatever they could to ensure that she would survive. Jack called 911, but when the paramedics arrived, they confirmed what I had always thought: Maddie was dead, and there was no way of reviving her.

I spent the last night holding back my own tears, while letting Mackenzie have a shoulder to cry on. Even though I'm not related to Maddie, her death still affects me. She was someone who I looked up to in my life, and with her being gone, it kinda makes me unsure of what will happen next. For all I know, whoever killed Maddie might stop there. They might take out someone else! I know that I didn't kill Maddie, seriously. I was with Mackenzie the whole night, and I didn't even go upstairs until Mackenzie screamed. If I had to point the fingers at someone, I would say Nia, Jack, or Millie. They were the last ones I saw go upstairs, so it was probably one of them. I really don't know what else I can say. Am I done?


Suspect # 8: Millie Bobby Brown gonna be a very difficult thing to do....but I'll do it. Well, I woke up, got some breakfast at Blue Bottle Coffee, and tried texting Maddie. I tried several times and she didn't answer. I checked Twitter to see what she was doing, and all I saw were pictures of her and Jack. Honestly, I was a bit miffed; not that Jack was a bad guy, but I hadn't talked to Maddie in a week, and she was with him constantly. I knew that I needed to talk to her, so when I saw a post on Instagram of her going to the Beverly Center, I knew that I had to meet her there. I found her with her sister and Brynn at around 11:00, and I straight-out, asked her about why she hadn't returned my texts. I didn't mean for it to turn into a full argy-bargy or anything like that; I just wanted to be heard. In the end, I just decided to leave. I didn't want to have to make the situation worse than it already was.

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