Part 7: Evidence Analysis

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At this point, it was around 9:00 PM. You spent the entire day trying to gather as much information as you could from the suspects, and you had begun to make your own theories. However, you knew that you could not truly make a solid conviction unless you had evidence to back it up. You had ordered an analysis over the evidence from the victim's room to give you a little bit more information on the events prior to the fall, and maybe get a little bit of information of who was in contact with the victim prior to her death. You were drafting up your own theories about what could have happened when an email came into your inbox. A colleague had sent you the results from each piece of evidence. Some only took a simple visual analysis to determine, while some took a more technical chemical analysis. To you it didn't matter: either way you got results, leaving you to open the newest e-mail and receive new information.

Evidence #1: Target Receipt

The Target receipt revealed the purchase of streamers, tortilla wraps, soft drinks, cheese & crackers, and teas.

Evidence #2: Handbag

In the handbag was light skin tone foundation, lipstick, mascara, a box for coloured contact lenses, and an eyeliner pen.

Evidence #3: Spilled Glass of Shirley Temple

When tested, the DNA of the victim was found around the rim of the glass, with small amounts of tetrahydrozoline found in the limited contents of the glass.

Evidence #4: Blood Trail

The test results confirm that it was in fact the victim's blood that lead from the bathroom to the balcony.

Evidence #5: Vomit In Toilet

The contents of the vomit were determined to be the remnants of a steak fajita and a Shirley Temple Drink.

Evidence # 6: Eye Drop Bottle

The bottle was found to be unopened, and thus, unused. No fingerprints were found on the bottle.

Evidence #7: Jacket

The leather jacket was found to be ripped along the back, as if it were torn off violently.


Apologies for the short chapter, just wanted to get this one out and give you a bit more information to help with solving this. The next chapter is going to feature each suspect giving their opinions of each of the other suspects with regards to their relationship to the victim and themselves. The part after that will likely be a interrogation phase, where questions will be asked to each suspect to find out more information on who killed Maddie. That will be your chance (as the readers) to comment any questions that you want to ask any particular suspect in order to help solve the case. If you happen to know anyone who might be interested in reading this story, I encourage you to spread the word.

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