Part 5: Nia's, Jojo's, and Kendall's Testimonies

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Yes, information from three of the victim's closest acquaintances certainly helped you gain some insight, but that wasn't enough. There still some suspects to interview. Up next, you recorded testimonies from three people who had worked closely with Maddie over the past few years as a co-star: longtime friends Nia, Jojo, and Kendall.

Suspect #4: Nia Frazier

I don't know how much help my information will be, but I will tell you what I recall from that day. I started out the day pretty late. From 11 AM to about two-thirty PM, I was with my boyfriend. We spent that time walking around Los Angeles, splitting our time between shopping and Dave & Buster's. After that, I returned home, and I decided to facetime Kendall. She posted a selfie that morning saying that she was sick, and I wanted to see if she was alright. She appeared to be doing a lot better, and we talked for a bit, before someone came knocking at her door and she had to leave. I decided to prepare my photographer costume, but I realized that I didn't have a beret, so I went to Target to find one. It was pretty quiet, to tell you the truth, and I found one easily. As I was heading to the checkout, I saw Millie in an opposite lane. I was going to say hi, but she didn't appear to be in the mood to talk, so I didn't.

At the party, it was pretty hectic. People were all over the place. Jojo was running around with her camera, Maddie was talking with Kalani and I, and Mackenzie was with Brynn if I remember correctly. I heard that when Jack arrived, that he gave Maddie some roses as an apology, which I found ridiculously sweet of him. Kendall also arrived a bit later, and spent most of her time in the living room on her phone. I did get to talk to her a bit, though. Millie also showed up sometime after. I think she came to talk to Maddie, but it didn't happen. Millie just went to the poolside, and that's that.

I remember that sometime after 6 PM, Chloe showed up. I hadn't seen her for a while and I immediately ran up to hug her. Kalani and Mackenzie did too. Although Maddie seemed really upset. She ran upstairs with Jack and Millie running after her. I wanted to go after her too, but Kalani insisted that everyone continue to party. Eventually, Kalani went to deliver food to Maddie, and came back down shortly after. I talked to Kalani for a bit, but I decided that I would go up and check on Maddie. I knocked on the door, but she didn't want me there. I tried opening the door myself, but then I realized that there was some sort of electronic number lock on it. I asked Maddie for the code so I could go in, but she remained defiant, and very irritable if I must be frank. Feeling bored, I left to another room, put in my earbuds, and began singing. I wanted a bit of alone time, so I stayed in there for a long while.

I think it was almost 7:30 PM when I heard a piercing scream. I was listening to country music at the time, so I knew something was wrong. I left the room, looked around, and saw that the door was open. I ran over, peered in, and saw the bloody mess that was there. I was about to go in when I heard Brynn scream that Maddie was dead. Shocked, I immediately pulled out my phone and began to call 911, but when I heard Jack on the phone with the authorities, I figured that he was already on it.

That's it. That's all I know. I hope that you can use this information to bring this case to a close. Whoever killed Maddie needs to be brought to justice for their actions. I've known Maddie for such a long time, and I can't think of anyone who deliberately would want to kill her. If anyone, Mackenzie was the one still in the room when Brynn was screaming, so she may have had something to do with it, but I truly don't know.


Suspect #5: Jojo Siwa

Okay, I've got a lot to talk about, and I know that I can help. But first, I'll give you a rundown of my day. I spent the morning vlogging and travelling to different Target stores to look for my new merchandise, which wasn't there, so that sucks. Along the way, I ran into Kalani, who had a bunch of party decorations and food in her cart. After that, I went home and filmed an episode for my YouTube series Jojo's Juice. By now, it was about 3:30 PM. I already knew what I was going to wear: one of my Jojo Siwa Halloween costumes. It looked ridiculously nice.

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