Part 10: The Discrepancies Between Evidence

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This is where I give you a breakdown of the testimonies, timelines, and other pieces of evidence that were presented to you over the course of the story, placing some emphasis on areas where Jack and Kendall had lied in order to put up a shield of innocence. Let's start.

Section #1: Autopsy Results

The cause of death from the fall off the balcony did in fact occur. Maddie's broken nose, bruised left forearm, left-side ribs, and left shin was the result of a constant staggering around the room and running into furniture and walls. An explanation for this will be brought up in Jojo's testimony analysis. As for the elevated amounts of tetrahydrozoline in Maddie's blood, those came from the ingestion of a whole bottle of eyedrops. The bottle from which it came from will be discussed later in the chapter.

Section #2: Bedroom Evidence

There were seven pieces of evidence in Maddie and Jack's bedroom. The handbag itself belonged to Kalani, which could (vaguely) be extrapolated from the light skin tone foundation and coloured contact lenses, which would be necessities for Kalani's vampire costume. The receipt belonged to Kalani as well, evidenced by the description of party snacks being purchased. The Shirley Temple glass indicates that the poisoned entered Maddie's body via the drink. The blood trail was created by Maddie after she had (unintentionally) broke her nose on a wall, causing it to bleed. The vomit in the toilet indicates that it was produced by Maddie, and further supports the theory that Maddie was poisoned. The unopened eyedrop bottle belonged to Kalani, which is supported by the fact that Kendall had called Kalani to get her eyedrops, but when Kalani went to give them to Kendall, she declined them, allowing Kalani to keep them. The leather jacket belonged to Maddie, which was torn off as Maddie stumbled around her room.

Section #3: Timelines

Section #3.1: Jack's Timeline

Once Jack arrived at the party, his reported timeline (5:30 PM and on) was true. However, much of his timeline from the morning and afternoon was false. From 10:30-10:35 AM, he did see some comments over his and Maddie's love, but also saw more comments saying that he's using Maddie for fame. The next lie exists in the timeline from 2:35 PM-5:25 PM. During that time, he was at Kendall's house finalizing the details for their plot to kill Maddie. His absence from Target and presence at Kendall's house will be explained in Nia's testimony analysis.

Section #3.2: Mackenzie's Timeline

All of Mackenzie's timeline was truthful. Although there was quite a bit of time between her going to check on Maddie and shouting about Maddie's death, Mackenzie genuinely froze due to shock, which caused an extreme delay. On another note, Mackenzie knew the passcode to Maddie and Jack's room after Maddie told it to her. They're sisters, so that seemed like something that they would be fine with telling each other.

Section #3.3: Kalani's Timeline

All of Kalani's timeline was truthful. When Kalani went to deliver food to Maddie, she left her purse in there as well, which contained the Target receipt and the eyedrop bottle. For those of you wondering, Kalani did know the passcode to Maddie and Jack's room, as it is Kalani's house.

Section #3.4: Nia's Timeline

All of Nia's timeline was truthful. One key part to Nia's timeline was her mentioning that she was at Target around the same time as Jack claims he was, and the fact that Nia spotted Millie. On another note, although (admittedly) a bit implausible, Nia was listening to music and singing in private for almost an hour.

Section #3.5: Jojo's Timeline

All of Jojo's timeline was truthful. A key part of Jojo's timeline was where Jojo had heard banging and screaming from the room above her, which is implied to be Maddie and Jack's room, which give a rough estimate as to when Maddie died. Unrelated to that fact, Jojo searching the web for Thomas Kuc pictures was added purely for comedy.

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