You're Mr.Big Shot

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2 months later

"Ollie, come out already, we're waiting," I call angrily to her as Julia stands anxiously with the next dress for Ollie to try on.

"Deck, rush me again and I will slit your fucking throat," she calls out angrily. Okay, won't call to her again. Julia waits eagerly, maybe too eager. It was the only dress her and Ollie came to terms on. Ollie promised her that if the dresses looked horrible she would go with Julia's favorite. Don't get me wrong, Julia's dress was very beautiful, it's just Ollie doesn't want Julia picking out everything like she's been doing this far.

"Okay, how does it look?" She calls out and I glance up from my phone to see her in the beautiful creamed dress.

"It looks am-"

"Absolutely stunning," Julia calls in a squeal as she balls her fist into her cheeks in excitement. I groan and stare at her. Why is she even still here? I told Ollie that I am back and I am here for the responsibility of duty but she refused to let Julia go because she didn't want to hurt her feelings and Julia's also a bridesmaids

Ollie really wanted to drop her from the wedding because she had done nothing but tell her what to do constantly.

"Okay, well this is the one," Ollie cheeses as she looks down at the dress and back at us both with a huge grin.

"Okay, I'll return all of these," Julia cheers as the woman nods to Ollie.

"I'll help you out then back in the correct places and Ollie I have all your measurements taken care of and I'll be sure to give the designer the tweaks you would like to make to the dress," the women explains and Ollie nods excitedly. Julia follows the women eagerly to help return the multiple dresses she picked up.

"How much is the dress again?" I call to Ollie.

"10k but with the tweaks I want it..." I lost it after the 10k part, what the fuck!?

"Ollie what?"

"I said once I add my flavor to," she explains but I understood what she said.

"What the fuck Ollie, that's a lot! Is the dress going to be magical and fly you around like Matilda's fucking umbrella?" I grunt out and she breaks out into laughter as she erupts from the changing room.

"That's Mary Poppins with the umbrella dumbass and you agreed to whatever the cost is! You said this is my wedding present and I appreciate it!" She frowns as she comes to sit on the waiting sofa.

"Yeah, and I regret it! I should've gotten you a toaster or juice maker or some shit like that," I murmur.

"You're Mr.Big shot, do you think I want a blender or whatever from you?" She questions and grins as she sees my angers glare.

"How much do you think I've made here?" I question as I turn to her and that smile still plastered across her face.

"Enough, plus I looked you up on google, you're worth 15 million," she shrugs and I stare at her quite annoyed.

"No, my family is worth that," I clarify.

"You're still worth a lot, now can we go now?" She begs as she rubs her belly hungrily and I rise and nod.

"You're paying though," I grunt out and she chuckles.

"You still owe me from last time," she frowns.

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