Chapter 12

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"ALEX!" I'M NOT sure where I am, or what's going on. "Alex, wake up!"

I open my eyes, which are met with his...with Drew's. "What happened?"

"Alex, thank God."

"Put me down."

"No way." He shakes his head as he slows his pace. "No. I'll carry you the rest of the way."

"I'm fine," I mumble, completely humiliated.

"Clearly, you're not."

I completely relax in his arms, completely exhausted. He's right. I'm not. Who would be?

When we come to the top of the hill, I hear Papa, and the sound of the wooden rocker moving back and forth against the tiled bricks on the front porch. That's where Papa sits when he needs to think. "Oh my. Is she okay?" I hear him ask.

"Yes, sir. I mean, no sir. I think she passed out, but she's awake now," Drew speaks fairly calmly. I'm embarrassed he's still carrying me. Part of me wants him to just put me down, and the other part of me wants to go crawl into my bed and never get back out of it again.

"Why do you suppose she went and did that for?" Papa quizzes him.

"I'm not sure. She was fine at the creek. As we started walking back, I noticed she was having a hard time breathing." Poor Drew. He seems so concerned. I am numb, or something. Because I feel like I'm watching all of this from afar. Aloof? I don't know. It's like I almost don't even care. How can I continue to do this? I can't handle this.

"Well son, I'm glad you were with her."

I can barely keep my eyes open. I'm so tired. I just want sleep, but I don't want Papa to worry. "Papa. I'm okay," I manage.

Papa ignores me. "Drew, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"Why don't you bring her on in and put her to bed, if you don't mind." I've never heard Papa talk like this before, and I'm not sure if he's angry or just worried. I'm not sure that any of us really know each other at this point. We've been hit with more tragedy than most in a lifetime. I'm not sure we even know ourselves. I know I don't know who I am. I don't have the slightest clue.

Drew shakes his head, and I feel his grip get tighter around my body. "No, sir. I don't mind. Anything to help."

"Papa, I'm okay." I reassure him because I can see and hear the concern. "Drew put me down," I insist.

He squeezes tighter. "Nope."

I look to Papa. He's leading the way, and he doesn't turn back as he speaks to me, "Alex, baby. I'm gonna call Dr. White to come see after you. You need some rest."

"Okay." I know he's not to be argued with.

Drew places me in my bed. Papa tells him, "Come on outta here. Let's let her rest."

Glancing over to Drew, our eyes meet as he is leaving the room. I don't want him to go. I put my hand out, but he doesn't take it. "Don't go."

He hesitates. "Remember...I'll find you." He smiles, and I nod. He continues. "Take a nap. I'll be around. I'm not going anywhere."

I look to Papa to try to read his expression. It's softened from the last time he saw Drew. I'm not sure if it's worry for me, or what. "Thank you," I whisper.

"Anything for you, Alex."



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