Chapter 21

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GLANCING DOWN, I see he's holding a Rubbermaid cake plate. Curiosity wins. "What's that?" I shift my hands in an effort to point, but they are full, so I nod.

He grins the most dazzling smile ever. "This is Memaw's Red Velvet cake," he says as he proudly holds it. "I'd hand it to you and leave, but I see you've got your hands full."

How'd he get her recipe? The tension mounting between us is nearly palpable, but so is my heart rate. My chest is pounding like a drum roll. I wish I was immune to the smile, to the kind gestures, but I'm not. Thankfully, there are things to do. "That's nice. Thanks. I'm sure Memaw will appreciate that." Nudging him out of the way with my shoulders, an explanation gushes from my mouth. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to take this stuff to the funeral home before they close."

"Alex..." he trails.

I glance back over my shoulder. "Yeah?"

"It's a peace offering. We need to talk."

Biting my lower lip and closing my eyes, I pray for resolve and strength. "Not now I said. I can't do it now."

He interjects, "I only have a couple of weeks. I don't wanna waste time."

"Are you on leave, too?" I ask.

He nods. "We were only a few months away from our deployment being over when we got hit."

I swallow. "You were hurt, too?" My chest starts to feel heavy, and so does all of the stuff I'm holding. I shake my head from side-to-side. " whatever your name is," I sigh. "I've gotta go." I hold up the garment bag. "Can you leave the cake with Memaw, and let's agree to do this once I have the next couple of days behind me?"

There's a slight sparkle in his eyes, but also disappointment...I think. "Sure. Later, Alex."

"Bye." I roll my eyes as I walk to my car. I mutter under my breath, "Drew, or Stone."


WHEN I ARRIVE at the funeral home, I walk slowly with my box of things, dreading what I'm about to have to do. The bricks are piling onto my chest again. I know that we can't see Papa yet, he's not ready. That's why I'm give them what they need for the visitation. Just knowing he's in this building, and not being able to see him is about enough to kill me. My eyes become so blurry I can barely see where I'm going.

Taking a deep breath, I push through the side door, which leads straight into the chapel. I've attended many a funeral in this chapel. It's a nice place, but I'm glad that my Papa's won't be here. He wouldn't have it. St. Paul's Episcopal has and will forever be his church home. There was no decision to be made about where to have his service.

In a moment, Mr. Knapp comes through the doors. "Alex. Good to see you, but not like this."

My face tightens as the emotions get the best of me. As I open my mouth to try to speak, my throat tightens. Shaking my head, I offer the box.

He takes it and puts it on the floor, then pulls me into an embrace. "I've known you for your entire life, and I knew him for all of mine." I squeeze my eyes closed and my chest starts to heave as I wrap my arms around his stout body. He continues, "Alex, he loved you so much."

I nod. "I know. Thank you."

He holds me while I cry some more, feeling for the first time since I got home like I don't need to be strong. "It's not just a loss for your family. This town is small; it's tight knit. And I can assure you that our community has suffered a tremendous loss in losing your Papa."

Despite the tears falling from my eyes, the tightness in my chest, I am able to form my lips into a small smile. "He loved this place."

He chuckles. "He sure did."

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