Chapter 24

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I hope these letters are enough to convince you to talk to me. There's more for me to tell you. I know you probably think you didn't know me, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.

You're the only one in this world who has ever seen into my soul. When I was with you for that month, your presence was better than any pill a doctor could prescribe. Your mere presence was such a rush that you made me feel alive in a way that has been unmatched the last fifteen years.

I'm waiting for you at the creek. I don't have a plan B if you decide you're still not doing this. I guess at some point, I'll just give up and leave. Please don't make me have a plan B, Alex. Please give me a chance.

More than anything, I wanted to tell you that I was with Papa before he passed. I want to tell you what he said before the heart attack. I want to share with you what his last moments were. That was a gift he gave to me. Don't rob me of that.

By the way, I kept my distance at the services, but I wanted to pay my respects. Your eulogy was beautiful. You are so strong, so special. Please come to the creek.


PAPA. DROPPING EVERYTHING, I go through the formal living room, grab the key from under that silly candy jar to unlock the door, and hold the bells so they don't wake Memaw. It's been a long time since I pulled an all-nighter like this. It feels good to be awake as the sun is rising, and most of the world is still asleep. My steps are hurried as I try to rush to the creek, hoping he's still there. Ordinarily it would only take me less than a minute, but because of the knee injury, it takes longer.

"Drew!" I yell frantically before recalling it's not even his name. "Stone, Drew..." In moments I see him running towards me, and the next few steps seem to take an eternity for him to reach me.

"Alex, I'm here," he whispers as he wraps his arms around my waist, hauling me gracefully into his arms.

I just want to kiss him as if my life depends on it, but I'm still just not sure I'm ready for that. This is comfortable, though, being in his arms. When he steadies me on my feed, I pull myself away, and my eyes drink his body in like it's the first time we've ever seen each other. In a way, it is. "What did he say to you? What was the gift?"

"You read them?"

I nod, then jump as a loud clash of thunder rings through the summer sky. Seconds later. Rain erupts from the clouds, bouncing off of our hot bodies. He takes my lips into his, and it's as if nothing has changed, when in actuality, everything has changed. He's the comfort my soul needs. I didn't expect to feel that. Then again, he's always been the food my soul craved. Kissing him is as intoxicating as it's always been. I pull back. "What did he say?" I ask, breaking our kiss and pushing back against his hard chest.

"He made me make a promise."

"What kind of promise?"

He smiles, then shrugs. "Well, actually it was more of a commitment."

I pound his chest, then stop myself immediately realizing that I don't want to hurt him, physically or emotionally. "Stop with the games. Promise. Commitment. Whatever it was, just out with it already," I urge.

"Okay. He made me never leave you again."

My eyes widen as they fill with tears. "You can't keep that commitment...promise, though," I say.

He puts me down, making sure my feet are steady. "I may have to go away, but if you'll have me, I'll never ever leave you like I did before." He kisses me. "Ever again."

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