Chapter 26

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I'M LYING IN our spot in the field deep in thought about how I got into this position. Sometimes I just need to be alone, outside, and let my thoughts run wild. So I am letting the sun seep its rays into my pores because it relaxes me. Everything is in place. Now I'm just waiting. Waiting for the love of my life to come back to me.

I thought when I joined the military that it would be a career for the rest of my life, until I was medically retired. What I didn't count on was Alex being placed in my life for a second time. I never thought I'd want to settle down in one place. It never occurred to me that I might actually want a family of my own...a boy to play ball with, or a little girl who I could give my heart to so she could wrap it around her little finger, but here I am. Now the one thing that has been so important to me and my life the last decade and a half is over. I'm a civilian, no longer commissioned in the United States Army. I'm free to live where I want, be with who I want, love who I want.

For the first time in my life that I can remember...I'm free. I open my eyes and stare into the sun, even though my mother told me it was a great way to go blind. I do it because I want to feel the brightness make me squint. I want to know this is real. It only takes a second for me to feel that it is.

This isn't a dream. If things go the way I want, very soon, I'll have everything my dreams have been made of in arms' reach.



DRIVING HOME FROM my shift at the hospital, I think back on the last three months. They've been the best of my life. Initially, there were a lot of questions. I was also scared having seen the effects of war first hand. The thought of finally having him back in my life, and then having him leave again to only lose him for forever was enough to nearly make me not take the risk, but I knew I couldn't be without him anymore. Even if we only had one more month to be together, one more month to love each other, I knew that it would be worth it. The memories, like the one we had before, would last me a lifetime.

A few weeks ago I bought my first home. It's across the street from Memaw. I wanted to be close, but I also needed my own space. When I pull into the driveway, there is a bouquet of fresh cut flowers on my front porch. Curious if they're from Stone, I quickly cut the engine to the car, get out, and walk up the short driveway. Curiosity peaks while climbing the stairs, anxious to read what's in the card.

Go across the street.

Hmm. That tells me nothing as to who they're from. A smile creeps onto my face as I turn towards Memaw's house seeing more flowers. This time they are wild ones, like we used to pick in the field, and I know they are from Stone. As I approach them, another card becomes visible. What in the world is he up to? Reaching down, I carefully slide my thumb across the small opening, then pull the card.

Go inside.

My heart is beating so fast I can feel it in my throat. My entire body is consumed with heat. Turning the door knob, I cross the threshold, bells jingling, and walk into the formal living room. There are smooth stones, perfect for skipping, in a straight line leading to my old room. With each step taken, my heart beats louder and faster not knowing what this little scavenger hunt is all about. There's an old metal folding chair by the bed. Of course, there's a notecard propped up on it.

No more chairs needed. Stop by that closet in the hall with the towels on your way to the kitchen.

Grinning like a fool, there's no doubt in my mind that this is Stone. He's not supposed to be here. Furrowing my brows, I play through all of the conversations we've had over the past several months via Skype, phone, and email. Sure, those have only confirmed what we both already knew, which is that we are the missing piece to each other's puzzle. We share the same interests, and we want the same things out of life. The only thing that has been holding us back from fully living that life is the fact that we've been separated. We'd not talked about our future, promising to only take it day by day.

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