Chapter 18

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THE FLIGHT TO Afghanistan is the longest one I've ever taken. I already hate flying as it is. Every bump makes me feel like we're going to fall out of the sky. Then I laugh at myself. If I am scared of a plane ride, what in the heck am I going to do when I get there?

Pulling the letter from my camouflage duffle bag that Memaw and Papa gave me, I realize that this might be the best way for me to get my mind off the scary stuff. Really, the anticipation has been killing me. I've almost opened it early several times.

I run my finger through the small opening where the flap folds on the envelope to open it, then pull the notes out and unwrap them. It's not written on fancy stationery. Come to think of it, I don't think they own any. Every Christmas I wonder what to buy them. Maybe I'll get them some so they can write me on it.

Memaw's is on top. I smile. It's the perfect medicine for homesickness.

Dearest Alex,

The first thing I want to say is that Memaw is so proud of you. I know that we've been hard on you about your decision, but it's only because we love you so much. The thought of something happening to you is too much for our hearts to take, but we have faith in the Lord that he'll bring you home to us. I know that he doesn't give us more than we can handle in this life. There's no way your papa or I could deal with another loss.

You've become a very selfless person. You grew up too fast. I hope that during this adventure you'll be able to make the best of it. It's hard to imagine, but in every situation there is good. Even when we're unable to see what that good is, even when that situation may seem like the scariest and hardest thing we've ever had to face. Sometimes it isn't necessarily for your good, but for the good of someone else.

We'll write you every chance we get. I'll send you food because I know you aren't going to eat like you should. And I'm sure that the stuff they have for you isn't fittin' to eat anyway. The things I can't send, I'll save for you for when you get back. You make yourself a menu of all the things you want Memaw to cook for you when you come home.

Most of all, Alex, take care of yourself. Know that we love you, and you will always have our support.

I love you,


I smile as big as I can. It's exactly what I needed to hear, to read. Even though she said it, I wasn't convinced. This lets me know that what I'm doing is right. It's all going to be okay. I hold the letter against my chest because it makes me feel closer to her.

I carefully put it back the way it came and tuck it into the envelope. Then I focus on Papa's letter.

My Ali-Lou,

I wish I could shelter you from what you're about to see. All I've ever tried to do is keep you from the evil in this world. I've tried to outweigh it with love. Love conquers all, always. My heart already hurts thinking about the things you're going to witness. It hurts because of the loss of innocence you're about to experience. The evil you've seen in this world doesn't compare to what is happening over there.

I don't have too much to say other than to keep yourself safe. Watch your back. Watch your front. Listen to your gut. Always do what you think is right. Your instincts are strong. Use them. Pray when you're lonely. Write us often, we already miss you. Know that you're never alone. There are always arms wrapped around you. If there are tears, know I'd have a bucket to catch them if I could. I know you think crying is a sign of weakness, but it's not. Tears have a way of flushing the system. They are as essential to life as water.

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