Chapter 3: Crack that whip

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The days grew longer and hotter than a Devil’s lick! ‘Slab City’ was supposed to be God-reborn, but the constant backbiting, infighting and hostility was a vibe all unto itself. Drake and Cherry had set up mock trials, pride smashing, a rigid daily exercise regime and a public sin confessional that made the 1953 play ‘The Crucible’ seem like it was being re-enacted all over again in all its harsh religiosity. Food was scarce, and the soil was rock hard. At times we cooked our eggs on rocks using the suns harsh rays while making sure always to be attentive to Drake and Cherry’s demands. Drake had told the group that God had inspired him to write a book about the ‘End Times’ on earth and we were the chosen ones to distribute it and act it out. God had also prompted Drake to change the name of our group from something cool to something lame. Drake had informed the group we would now be known as the ‘Wild Christ Warriors’.

Each day we set out to distribute the ‘truth’ to the masses. We had quotas we had to achieve before we could sleep and eat. Not to mention (aggresive recruiting  to) other believers to  who (shot) us looks that they weren’t that fucked up yet. While we were encouraged to love eachother as brother amd sisters, Drake was showing his disdain of Tony, constantly accusing him of rebelling against the Prophet and God.
One night as a storm raged outside someone let out a massive fart in the ‘Kombi Van’ that had people terrified thinking it might have been thunder. While Angel was the culprit Drake chose to blame Tony. Tony was forced to strip down to his underwear and stand outside all night in the pouring rain.

“I’m telling you that there is a heavenly man by the name of Charlie who is calling us to come to ‘Death Valley’ to join his family,” Fanny told Angel.
("Where did you meet him?" )
"In San Francisco, i was selling flowers and i met Charlie and some of his girls. Traded some flowers for a bag of grass. He is also from God and he said I was better suited to his family."
“That totally sounds like a good idea Fanny,” Tony sat on a fallen tree log next to Angel puffing on a joint, hanging off every word that Fanny said.
“Yeh I agree Fanny what can go wrong? It’s gotta be better than here,” Angel winked at Fanny.
“Mmm the name Charlie Manson sounds so sexy and I feel in my heart he is a godly man to lead such a loving family,” Grace added.

Glenn, Angel, Tony, Grace, Freddy, Rocky and Fanny were in secret discussions not far from the tents and the ‘kombi van’ where Drake and Cherry were attentively writing their spiritual knowledge from God.
The previous day was spent rummaging for food in dumpsters, begging and trying to convert locals to part with all their earthly possessions and money for the good of God. Nobody had much money accept Drake and Cherry who seemed to have an almost endless supply. Most of ‘Slab City’ was broke one way or another. It was confusing to be in a place where people lived without money, yet we were all asking for it. At times it felt like we were slaves to money and at the mercy of Drake and Fanny who had all of it.

“Do you get the sense that Drake and Cherry are control freaks?” Fanny spat.
“One time I heard Cherry say ‘one a piece’. I think maybe she meant that Glenn could have one of her vaginas while Drake could have the other. Maybe simultaneously,” Tony gasped laughing with a big grin across his face.
“That’s just not cool saying stuff like that Tony,” Freddy said.
("May God strike me down if i tell a lie. Did you know Drake and Cherry were laughing at a joke. Drake asked Cherry when you bake a Jew in a Nazi oven, how do you know when its done? When Cherry didnt know Drake informed her, when they stopped screaming." Tony shook his head "And they were refering to your grandparents!")
(Tears ran down Freddy's face, he burst into tears and fled.)
Glenn’s smile wiped off his face as he said, “I agree. It’s not nice to make up false stories Tony. Especially since Drake called me to be a witness against you at your trial. I lied to ensure you received the most lenient punishment. Now I may change my testimony. I may now call for you to be stoned!”
“Too late,” Tony cackled.

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