Chapter 9

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I tried my best not to keep thinking about Melvin as I walked home but I couldn't because of Oliver's constant nag about what Melvin and I talked about.

"Will you just give me a breathing space?" I said as I stopped to talk to Oliver. He was getting really annoying. Immediately school was over, I wanted to run home. I just didn't want to see Melvin anymore. But Oliver had followed me and wouldn't stop asking me a lot about what and Melvin discussed. "Stop nagging me."

"But I'm entitled to know what you both discussed. We're partners remember?"

"I just don't want to talk about it. At least not now. So just leave me alone!" I didn't mean to sound rude towards him but he was getting really frustrating. It was while I was cautioning him that I saw Melvin's car pass by. His aunt was the one driving. I had wanted to cover my face to leave but Oliver had in time waved to her. She saw him, stopped the call and beckoned on us to come over.

"Hello Ms. Ryan." Oliver greeted. "Good to see you again."

"Good to see you both too. I wouldn't have recognized you both if you didn't wave at me." She said with a smile. Melvin was sitted beside her. He acted as though we weren't standing right there.

"Uniform disease I suppose." Oliver chuckled.

"Yeah. I guess so." Ryan said.

"Hello Ms. Ryan." I greeted. "How do you do?"

"I'm good Leah. Wow you have a lovely voice, you should speak more often." She commended. I thanked her. "Hey Melvin, won't you say hello to your classmates?" she asked. Melvin didn't say a word. He simply ignored her and kept on with what ever it was he was doing on his tablet.

"It's alright Ms. Ryan." Oliver quickly added. "Anyway I only wanted to say hello."

"That's good. You both are going home right?" we nodded. "Okay then hop in let's give you both a lift."

"Really ma?" Oliver said. "That would be-" though his aunt had been nice enough to want to offer us a lift, I knew Melvin wasn't okay with it. I just couldn't act as though our talk meant nothing. "Thanks ma-" I sharply said cutting Oliver shut. "But we'll manage. Besides our route and yours aren't on the same lane."

"Are you sure you both would manage?" my eyes fell on Melvin. He looked at us and quickly looked away.

"We'll walk. We like walking. Right Oliver?"

"Sure. She's right Ms. Ryan. As they say exercise those bones." Ms. Ryan smiled.

"I like you Oliver, you have a good sense of humor. I hope Melvin learns that some day. Okay then, you both take care. Be careful walking home." Ms. Ryan said as she drove off.

Oliver and I watched them leave and were set to continue our walk.

"Why did you decline her offer?"

"Melvin is still angry. We just can't act as though nothing is wrong and get into his car like that. I don't want to infuriate him any further than he already is." I said.

"Then what about me? I mean now I'll have to walk with you."

"I never asked so from you."

I avoided mum and Paul the entire day. I didn't want to talk to any of them neither did I want any of them talking to me. So for the rest of the day, I stayed put in my room. Not going out and certainly not coming in. but sadly, latter on in the night when I made sure they both had retired to bed, I made way to the kitchen to have some meal. My stomach had been grumbling for a while.

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